signs that a plant is not recieving enough light?


Well-Known Member
i am starting to believe that my seedlings may not be getting enough light? what are the signs that would point to that? any advice or comments would be great


Well-Known Member
...then put more light? there are really no signs u wanna have like 3000 lumens per sq foot for decent growth so buy some cfls(compact fluorescents)


Well-Known Member
i have a t-5 i just wasnt sure if i had the plants sitting too far away from the light or not

Brick Top

New Member
Stretching is the most common sign of inadequate lighting.

My advice would be to scrap the flouros and skip the CFL’s and buy a MH and an HPS (or an HPS with a MH conversion bulb) and do it right.


Well-Known Member
yea but if u have them high enough from the plants its ok i start my plants for 2 weeks under fluros then throw them under the mh...makes a big difference