signs for harvest?


Active Member
The hairs on the top buds down to about mid plant are starting to turn a burgandy color. I hear this is a sign saying "harvest is soon", but do I let all of them turn brown? And what other ways can I tell?


Active Member
dont know if theres other ways of telling if the plant is ready to harvest other than looking at the hairs. also, if you want a more relaxed high, then flowering a little longer would be nice

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Hair color is different from strain to strain...for example White Widow is harvested with hairs just starting to turn auburn (approx. 60 days), and others are ready when the hairs are dirt brown...hairs aren't a good indicator unless you have intimate information with growing that strain, and have learned whats best. The trichs are the best way to tell. There are 3 levels of maturity with the trichs; immature (clear), peak (cloudy, or milky), and mature (amber). So go grab a 50x-100x magnifying glass, and check those trichs on the buds, harvest your ladies when you see a 50/50 mix of clear, and cloudy. This will net you the most THC :)