Sickness While Stoned

Has anyone ever experienced the insanity of throwing up while high? This has happend to me at this moment three times but it will make you wish you were sober. The wiredness of it is, it always happens when I smoke Newports high . What happens is first your high becomes quite stronger than the rest of the bag your smoking. Then you suddenly start to feel real hot to the point of sweating and that you have to throw up and soon after you do. This all happens in a cycle for about four times, every time about five minutes before you do feel a terrible high to the point of doing thing at are not even happening. When its all over you will be soaked in sweat will have to shower, your stomach is terribly sore and is very weak. I usally eat soft stuff like eggs or pudding. And you won't want to smoke until maybe at least six hours later. It sucks!!!!! Has anyone else ever felt this????

I no longer smoke Newports high


Well-Known Member
happened to me once. I smoked a crazy amount of weed by myself and the room started movin really fuckin fast and for a minute I was wondering if I was going to OZ or some shit but then I threw up all over my kitchen, into my fridge. Horrible experience. Pretty fuckin funny now though.


Well-Known Member
well the one time I threw up while high was awesome(looking back on it). It was the only time I projectile vomited and honestly if I'm gonna puke I'd much rather do it high. It makes it feel like drinking warm soup only in reverse and disgusting(no pain or discomfort whatsoever while puking but the nausea leading up to it is a different story)...but yea sober throwing up sucks.


Well-Known Member
happened to me once. I smoked a crazy amount of weed by myself and the room started movin really fuckin fast and for a minute I was wondering if I was going to OZ or some shit but then I threw up all over my kitchen, into my fridge. Horrible experience. Pretty fuckin funny now though.
Awww ...dude through up in your fridge? :lol: :clap: Grosssssss
I puked in my wife's (at the time, girlfriend) mother's sink. I didn't realize the drain stopper was in and I puked about a gallon. I had to reach through my own puke to unplug the drain. :spew:


Well-Known Member
Awww ...dude through up in your fridge? :lol: :clap: Grosssssss
I puked in my wife's (at the time, girlfriend) mother's sink. I didn't realize the drain stopper was in and I puked about a gallon. I had to reach through my own puke to unplug the drain. :spew:
Fuckin gross.

I puked my guts out. I'm not sure if it was the weed or if I just got really really dizzy from the room spinning (I get motion sickness sometimes.) because after I threw up I was fine. Sat down and giggled at the TV for like, 3 hours. Spent most of the next day cleanin up the vomit. My house fucking WREAKED!


Well-Known Member
Fuckin gross.

I puked my guts out. I'm not sure if it was the weed or if I just got really really dizzy from the room spinning (I get motion sickness sometimes.) because after I threw up I was fine. Sat down and giggled at the TV for like, 3 hours. Spent most of the next day cleanin up the vomit. My house fucking WREAKED!
That's gnarly, brother. I don't think I would have been able to sleep knowing that there was puke all over my kitchen. :lol:
I puked on a bunch of my CDs once. My stomach acid ate right through the plastic and I couldn't listen to about half of my collection ever again. :peace:


Well-Known Member
That's gnarly, brother. I don't think I would have been able to sleep knowing that there was puke all over my kitchen. :lol:
I puked on a bunch of my CDs once. My stomach acid ate right through the plastic and I couldn't listen to about half of my collection ever again. :peace:
You would if you were as high as I was that day.

That's pretty cool that it ate through it like that. I wonder if you can learn to do that on command and be a super hero.

Dissolving crime, one vomit at a time!


Well-Known Member
You would if you were as high as I was that day.

That's pretty cool that it ate through it like that. I wonder if you can learn to do that on command and be a super hero.

Dissolving crime, one vomit at a time!
At the time, I was thinking the same thing!
I was drinking so much I most definitely could puke on command. Distance was there, too. My aim was pretty suspect, though. :lol:


Well-Known Member
ive felt like it a couple of times. Only actually ever been sick because of it once (i absolutely hate being sick and will do all i can not to be). After I did throw up and smoked again a couple days after and felt rough again so gave up weed for a couple of years!!!! BIG MISTAKE.

If I ever start feeling like that now i can usually talk myself out of it! My ears usually feel all muffled and i get seriously dizzy.


i had that same feeling after hitting the bong heaps then rolling around to a mates place and smoking a bucky, it pretty much threw me to the corner the spinning tiles were the worst. i threw up into the sink such a bad sesh. super embarrassing to with a bunch of strangers around.


Well-Known Member
^ hahaha

my mates brother (who we all get on with and his mates) brought someone back to his the other weekend, never seen him before, all smoking a few j's and playing poker and i think he overdone it cos he had a terrible one! ending up being sick on the porch and asking to get him home!!


Well-Known Member
Greening out is what we call it, never done it and hope to never do it. My buddy had Alzheimers and wow was that a bad scene when he got sick from overdoing it, he must have been in the bathroom for 3 hours.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I remember once I threw up - My mates flat-warming party - started off there, then found out about another party round the corner so crashed that...I'm a tea-totaler usually, but I'd drunk like 6 bottles of lager and a couple double whiskys, then a couple tokes on a spliff (when it was only basically an annual thing for me...)

Passed out on their settee, suddenly woke up half an hour later - sat BOLT upright, and threw up chicken wrapped in parma ham with tomatoes ALL over this random persons floor...RIGHT NEXT TO THE BIN SOMEONE HAD PUT NEXT TO ME JUST IN CASE!! Anyway yeah, the bin was EMPTY, and the floor was a mess of white/red sludge which smelt foul...even better, everyone I knew there had left lolol! They came back and got me though...


Well-Known Member
hahah yea i once was so high that it made me puked.
shit was terrible! well the high wasnt but i havent puked that nasty ever!!!
not even bein shitfaced i threw up like that.
smoked waaaay too much and it was just when i started smokin too hahaha

i look back on it and still laugh but at the time i was dyin haaahahaa
I've done more research on the subject and discoved that I was in fact having panic attacks. I feel the menthol from the Newports increased my high to the point of having a panic attack.