Sick/Dying PLant


Active Member
The leaves are brown on the inner part by the veins, also there are brownish orange dots on the leaves?It starts from the veins out, old leaves are effected first then moves to new growth.The leaves also dry up and die. This is my four week in flowering. Don't know whats going on its gotten really bad its gonna die soon if I don't get HELP! Could it be Mg deficient or maybe a Ph problem? How do i fix this? I am using Bio-Bloom 1.1-2.5-2. Could there be a lock out of nuts?


Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
its a nitrogen deficiency, but its normal at this time during flower, continue your nutes for another two weeks, than flush with a little bit of molasses to speed up flush time and tighten buds. Your fan leaves will color and fall off, dont worry it happens to em all.


Active Member
5-6 PH but that is an old reading I just watered and didn't test the PH run off so i am kinda screwed until i water again. Does it look like i need to add PH up or down??