Sick Clones


They are fox farm soil under 18 hours of light.
they have been under the humidity dome for two weeks.
the bottom leafs had some nute burn, but the top leafs are skinny and look unhealthy

They are sati vas so its ok for them to look a little stocky. Please advise


cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Looks like they could use a light nitrogen boost, but looking good overall. What type of lighting are you using? I'm growing a sativa as well and the new leaves always start off real skinny and grow larger as they mature, so no worries there. Were the clones that large when you cut them?


Looks like they could use a light nitrogen boost, but looking good overall. What type of lighting are you using? I'm growing a sativa as well and the new leaves always start off real skinny and grow larger as they mature, so no worries there. Were the clones that large when you cut them?
i tried to give them a tiny bit of nitro and they started to yellow so the next day i just gave them water and they recovered. Im scared of feeding them nutes. Only one of them has grown in size. they are pretty much the same size since i cut them.

if anyone knows of a good feeding cycle for clones let me know. I have another batch of clones coming up and if they look as unhealthy as these then I'm going to be super sad.
