Sick clones


Active Member

I think these were left in the jiffys too long before i got hold of them. They were in poor health and some have died. 10 remain but with defects as the pictures depict....

Does any one know what could be causing the "colour fading"? What about the tips curling to the right or left (horizontally)? They were transplanted/planted from jiffys to those pots 4 days ago. Most are showing nice healthy new growth but im worried about the defects. Should i cut off the yellow bits?

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated :)

Edit: Have done some more research and the yellow (faded) leaves could be a result of higher room temp which has since been fixed (was about 28degC, not around 23degC). Should i cut off the yellow faded leaves? What about the leaves with dry yellow tips?



Well-Known Member
you could be overwatering them as well, let them stabilize in the new arrangements before you change everything.

clones can be finicky monsters depending on strain and conditions......


Active Member
I have been careful not to over water. 9 out of 10 have fresh healthy new shoots/leaves (i haven't attached pictures of the healthy ones). Should i trim the crisp tips off the older leaves? How much is too much trimming? Does trimming stress the clone?

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
dont mess with them until they are thriving in the new containers. They dont call it weed for nothing.

they will be fine.


Well-Known Member
we dont feed clones anything until they are rooted and established correctly. The last thing we want to do to clones is ask them to do anything other than build healthy roots. Hence why some get really "light" as they are concentrating on some roots instead of foliage.

These will come around, he may lose a few but they will come out of it and in 3 months if he keeps 3 of them he can have 30 clones.

I have a buddy that just lost 1/4 of his clones. Mostly due to the difficulty of one plant's reluctance to clone properly. It just didnt care for cuttings.


Active Member
I do feed my larger plants, the clones have had 200mls of water and nitrozyme every 2nd day. The yellow is fading and there is LOTS of new growth. Lost two out of fourteen due to being in jiffies (small dirt bags?) too long (out of my control). Note: They were all rooted VERY well, but roots were exposed to light for too long.

Here are a couple of pictures of my older girls...
