Shrooms question.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of taking the eighth I'm getting tomorrow before my first class to enhance the day. I'm a reponsible mature person so I was wondering if this would work out? never tried shrooms or tripping at school



Well-Known Member
I was thinking of taking the eighth I'm getting tomorrow before my first class to enhance the day. I'm a reponsible mature person so I was wondering if this would work out? never tried shrooms or tripping at school

That's a very bad idea, all the way around. Not doing them, but doing them in school, for one. I sort of get the impression you have no idea what you're in for if you were even considering that... Read up, and prepare yourself- seriously. Do it someplace safe, preferably away from a lot of people your first time. Arrange a sitter. Mushrooms have a hell of an effect on your parasympathetic nervous system, which among other things regulate your "flight or fight" responses. You'll become paranoid, which is much more manageable the less people you have around.

Out of curiosity, when you say "school", were you meaning high school or university?



Well-Known Member
Elementary actually :P

I joke, I joke..I dunno I started laughing to myself about a little kid shrooming...
Haha. I was asking because RIU as per policy does not welcome anyone under 18. In fact, what usually happens is we harass them until they leave, and refuse to answer any of their questions... And if that doesn't work, Rollitup himself usually blocks their IP. They put everyone here at risk when they post, but it usually doesn't sink into their thick heads when we tell them that.
