Shroom Tea?


Well-Known Member
ok im in the process of making tea today and i was wondering how much water should i add to a qtr of shrooms????i got various sizes of pots and shit but i dont know how much water i should add to give me a good ration cuz i dont want there to be more water then shroom juice:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
go a little less then 2 cups and reduce to about a cup. I've never made tea with so little. You should just eat them. they taste like shit both ways. cow shit that is.


Active Member
Just eat them, bro. They don't taste that bad. My friends and I have done shrooms several times, and none of us have ever had any trouble getting them down, or keeping them down. Nausea doesn't seem to be too big of an issue with Psilocybin mushrooms.

Fly Agaric, however, are a different case, or so I'm told. I haven't found the courage to dip into my stash yet.


Well-Known Member
ok i did a quarter of homegrown shrooms and i gotta tell u i had a really bad trip cuz at first i drank the tea and didnt feel shit i was at my friend house btw so i started feeling a lil hot so i decieded to go home and surely enough as soon as i got home i threw up my guts out and as soon as dat happened a trip in my mind xploded and it was intense as hell i wasnt ready to comprehend everything so after 30 mins i decided to pass out it was crazy and scary as fuck


Well-Known Member
welcome to the darkside

please watch this clip with particular emphasis around 3:50

"during the experience I had a certitude, that these worlds were linked to thoughts.
They were gigantic moving universes.
I wanted to laugh with him, tell him of my joy at my discoveries.
But, as such thought arose, he carefully lead my to the worlds of terror, so I would become aware that all these fears and desires were latent in me along with the power of ecstacy"

Mckenna also said sometimes his mind would go the the "morgue in the sky" at which times he would begin to sing to steer his mind away.


Active Member
ok im in the process of making tea today and i was wondering how much water should i add to a qtr of shrooms????i got various sizes of pots and shit but i dont know how much water i should add to give me a good ration cuz i dont want there to be more water then shroom juice:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Grind up your mushrooms and make them with as much water as you feel like drinking. Leave the mushroom chunks in there and just drink em down. If you're worried about an upset stomach, eat some promethazine with it. I've never tried it myself, but promethazine is for calming stomachs and I was doing some research and haven't found anything that says they react together.

Good luck!

grow space

Well-Known Member
do you pour boiling water into the tea-can, and then let it stir, lets say for 30 min.Is that going to work???
Planning on doing some Amanita muscaria tea, from dried amanita caps(5-7 caps)
What u think??never done any tea at all....



Active Member
ok i did a quarter of homegrown shrooms and i gotta tell u i had a really bad trip cuz at first i drank the tea and didnt feel shit i was at my friend house btw so i started feeling a lil hot so i decieded to go home and surely enough as soon as i got home i threw up my guts out and as soon as dat happened a trip in my mind xploded and it was intense as hell i wasnt ready to comprehend everything so after 30 mins i decided to pass out it was crazy and scary as fuck
If you truly were having an intense experience, passing out would have been impossible. What you were experiencing may have been intense for you, but just know, there is much more to be explored. Every high dose that i have done above 5g has left me unable to sleep for hours. trying to force yourself to sleep while tripping balls is a recipe for disaster.


Active Member
If you truly were having an intense experience, passing out would have been impossible. What you were experiencing may have been intense for you, but just know, there is much more to be explored. Every high dose that i have done above 5g has left me unable to sleep for hours. trying to force yourself to sleep while tripping balls is a recipe for disaster.
My buddy and I ate about 4 grams each and he past out about 15 minutes after he started tripping. I think it just depends on the person. Most people can't sleep on ecstasy either but I can pass out on that shit whenever.