Showing sex before flowering???pics


Active Member
I also can barely see the roots at the bottom of the pot. Will these pots be sufficient to flower in or will I need to transplant again?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
leaves look a bit burned on the tips.. are you over feeding... if you are using CFLs, you need to flower NOW.

nice pictures.. are the plants in the first 2 pictures the same plants as the last 2?



Active Member
The first 2 pics are the top view of each plant in the last photo. The 3rd pic is the bigger of the 2.I have only fed with 2 waterings at half strength. I am using Botanicaire Pro Gro. The tips almost look kind of a purplish color. I am growing Nirvanas Snow White any chance its a genetic trait? Besides that they look ok? I have a 400 hps should I still flower now? Any suggestions?


Active Member
The bigger is on the 9th and the smaller is on 6th node. I would like to cut clones but really not much practice with that. does one plant over the other look better for cutting clones? I also have 2 others that just popped the soil on Friday. I really appreciate all your help.


Active Member
I tried tying down the tops of both plants. It seemed like the inner part of the plant needed more light. Have learned alot from everyone on here and went for it. Do they look like they are benefiting from this? It was @ two days prior to these photos. Any helpful comments?



Well-Known Member
careful with the LST, dont want to bend them to much to soon yakno?

I think they both look pretty good for cloning. Cloning isnt that hard if you just stick to instructions. Also one of the most important things that never really get talked about when cloning is the light. You dont need much light to root a clone, a simple t5 shop light works perfect, so just make sure you dont overdue it with the lighting. Keep the soil moist at all times, make sure you take a clipping that comes from the main stem, and make sure its not to big or to small. Also dont leave to much excess foliage on the clipping.

Faqs has alot of good stuff on cloning, I would reccomend reading it, then posting any extra questions that you may have. We would all be glad to help. If you have 400hps I would let them veg a bit longer, because you will have the light necessary to penetrate a bigger plant. That is a big reason on depending when to flower.

Best of luck to ya mate <3

Growers <3