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Dr. Jake Destructo

Active Member
I know a lot of people don't exactly have an entire household room to dedicate to growing, so can we get something going for those of us who only have the option of growing in a closet? Heh.

Here's my problem. I keep getting reccomended these hugeass florouscent lights that wouldn't even fit in my grow space; Now, I just wish to grow a couple plants at a time, so what kind of light would I get for this application?

Thanks in advance.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Hey, Hey, Hey!
Try this New Wave T5 System - 2', 4 Bulb | Fluorescent Grow Lights=

I use these in my veg room! Small, compact and powerful. 23" x 12". I also use in each of my mother plant stalls ( 18 ).

They can be used all the way from seedling and right into budding. Not that I use them for budding since I like fat bud. But they do work very well for budding, buds just don't get as fat. Very little heat out put makes these the choice for closet growers! T ake a look at my gallery, all my plants use this lighting for seedlings and veg.


Well-Known Member
I will buck the trend and suggest getting something like a 400w MH or HPS. This will brighten the hell out of your closet (i'm using two of them in my grow closet right now), and enable you to grow a few plants quickly and most efficiently. While mine are not air-cooled, Major_Nuggz brings up a good point about spending the extra dough for an air-cooled light. This way, you don't have to worry (as much!) about extreme temp changes in the closet.


Well-Known Member
If you go with the t5 like vote suggested you don't need to buy an additional ballast. The heat build up is hardly anything. An oscillating fan can handle the heat. I have the big brother to what vote was talking about. It is a very interesting option.


Well-Known Member
*i currently have a 16sq ft space i could work with but am wayyy intimidated by the lighting that has been recommended to me also. so i use natural sunlight. i figure 4-5 plants do i really need 1000 in lighting?
600 seems as if it would be enough. hell if i know. i am a newbie and all.
i am game though.


Well-Known Member
The more light you have the better your final product. If you are cheap and skrimp on lighting your end result will be disappointing.


Active Member
try 'AeroGarden' A few people have been experimenting with this with what seems to be good results, even though I wouldn't exactly know what 'good' is (buds, no buds?) and it seems to be fairly low maintenance as well. At least much lower maintenance than traditional growing methods.