Shouldnt Weed growing be easy?


Well-Known Member
i would not recommend wasting money on "brand" seeds until you can see just how overly simplified my instructions are.

once you have grown a crop or two of bag seed you will understand just how difficult keeping things about 75-80 degrees are and keeping the plants from stretching out and falling over you will be ready to drop $100 or so on seeds and even have a good idea for which strain to grow to fit your needs.

for the record, grown properly, any bag seed you grow will be at least 10 times as enjoyable as the smoke the seed came from. using high dollar seeds does not guarantee ANY results, let alone good ones. it only guarantees that you will have spent more money.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TikiHutCrew420

isnt marijuana a weed
shouldnt it be easy to grow like damn
all this nonsense with nutes and ph and lights and lumens and watts gawd

i thought this should be easy

help me out to understand


It's not that hard at all. I mean we are talking about a weed here. But with the right care and attention anyone can produce smokable herb. Just do you homework and have patience. All will come together. At first it may seem overwhelming but just keep reading and asking questions. Start a journal and keep notes. Make it a project/hobby.



Active Member
so then in all accuality wht is the point of "brand" seeds?
if they dont grow how they say they grow
like im lost on that topic


Well-Known Member
they grow how they say they grow, IF you grow them how they should be grown.

it is a living critter though. lots of variables in helping one to live and thrive... specially since we are mostly all forced to do really horrid things to them to keep from being persecuted.

brand seeds in an experienced grower's hands will grow EXACTLY as advertised or better.

brand seeds in a new grower's hands stand just as much chance of turning hermie or dying as bag seed.... or producing some decent smoke.


Active Member
so i should try a few crops
this one learn all i can
next one intro using nutes and ph
or do u think i should do that now seeing as its still early to introduce nutes into the dirt and ph can start when ever

wht should i do


Well-Known Member
grow some buds, dude ;)

you can always add more knowledge and methods as you go.. and it will at least get you to where you can ask more questions to get understanding.


Active Member
u should start a few crops with some bag seeds. i got some big bud seeds but my first attempt i fucked up usin 4out of 20 seeds. this is second grow attempt i planted for more and some bag seed to save my good ones


Well-Known Member
u should start a few crops with some bag seeds. i got some big bud seeds but my first attempt i fucked up usin 4out of 20 seeds. this is second grow attempt i planted for more and some bag seed to save my good ones
see how experience gives a clue? :joint:


Active Member
its not hard at all... im letting nature take care of mine (with the exception of watering) and so far they r looking pretty good (8 days old)

just grow outside, then u wont have to worry about lights. Get a ph meter and some fertalizer, but dont over do it and ull be fine... its easy


Well-Known Member
Despite a commonly used name, lets get one thing straight. Marijuana/Cannabis is not a "Weed" it is a "Herb."

A garden weed and a herb are not the same.


Active Member
lol, it's funny when I posted my thread about pot growing being easy as hell I got flayed alive by tons of people. I had a freakin' desk lamp and a 60 watt light bulb, along with egg shell water and the thing got to three feet tall, which I got slammed for also. So I cut it in half with the sole purpose to make it get all bushy, and just hope to the heavens it's a girl plant.