Should those who speak obscure languages be allowed to use public property?


Well-Known Member
Men and women aren't the same, let alone equal.
Thank you for not really clarifying. I never knew that women and men were not exactly the same. Since I'm a virgin, I didn't even know women didn't have penises and I thought babies came from their asses. All that equality talk was just about social equality, which is the same kind of equality I thought you were against. Are you against social equality?

Actually, I don't care what you think of social equality, I was just asking what "Liberals think women have equal rights" , has to do with your story about some red neck woman at a park.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
How did that have any effect on your situation though? Even if it is true that "Liberals think women have equal rights", how exactly did that affect your confrontation? Can you please phrase your answer in such a way that I can also make sense of the thread title?

I think women should have equality, but I'm not a liberal. Or maybe according to what you think liberal means I am. That's subjective but I reject it since I prefer fair markets and liberals prefer free markets.

Since liberals apparently think women should have equality, are you saying that is why you hate liberals? I'm assuming you hate liberals.
Give me a break! I answered your questions. I'm not going to answer them like I'm your student, Mr. Professor. Karousing understood, ask him. Although if I were him I wouldn't. I took the time to give you more than you asked. Why you being a little punk? Learn how those in the real world talk.

I gave you more than what a politician would've have given you listening to a debate, if you had asked the same question.


Well-Known Member
Give me a break! I answered your questions. I'm not going to answer them like I'm your student, Mr. Professor. Karousing understood, ask him. Although if I were him I wouldn't. I took the time to give you more than you asked. Why you being a little punk? Learn how those in the real world talk.

I gave you more than what a politician would've have given you listening to a debate, if you had asked the same question.
Amen. Constant fucken word game with this guy.


Well-Known Member
liberal - Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

that being said the traditional values of americans is highly subjective to who is viewing/interpreting it.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What did the social issue of gender equality have to do with your situation today?

That is what i really wanted to know, it's not my fault you have such poor reading comprehension like lifegoesonbrah.
Are you really that stupid not to know if a man knocks a woman out, he will most likely get in more trouble than doing the same to a man? Seriously? If I had just pushed her, tackled her, held her down. It doesn't matter, I'd be in a world of hurt. Someone would've called the cops. What would the cops think if I was holding her down? I could've been shot by the cops.

Gender was a major factor in the situation. It's not my fault you're the only one too stupid to realize that.


Well-Known Member
Are you really that stupid not to know if a man knocks a woman out, he will most likely get in more trouble than doing the same to a man? Seriously? If I had just pushed her, tackled her, held her down. It doesn't matter, I'd be in a world of hurt. Someone would've called the cops. What would the cops think if I was holding her down? I could've been shot by the cops.

Gender was a major factor in the situation. It's not my fault you're the only one too stupid to realize that.
So that's why you hate liberals though? Or is that why this redneck woman was a liberal? Or was it the liberals who made it a greater crime to punch her face than if she had been a man? I'm just trying to figure out how your story became a gripe about liberals.

Liberals think women have equal rights
Yeah I don't get it.

El Tiberon

Active Member
I see things this way.

I got into an altercation in Mexico in 2011. I had 3 guys swarming me. My wife started stabbing them from behind and did a great job. There was blood everywhere and I kicked the brains out of two and only one went to jail conscious.

Does this make her weaker than me? No. She is my wife and she did what a wife should do when her man is attacked.

Gringo wives pull out a cell phone and call 911 and watch you die and cry on the television after you are dead. No help.

Weak race.

I want a woman who stands with me. White women are cowards just like their men.

In the same sense I know my place and I know not be be out messing around. I wouldn't because it is so juicy and tight and makes me happy....but I know what she is capable of and I accept it

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I see things this way.

Gringo wives pull out a cell phone and call 911 and watch you die and cry on the television after you are dead. No help.

Weak race.

I want a woman who stands with me. White women are cowards just like their men.
Weak race?
I would call your race "Violent" though I'm sure they're not all like you.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Back to the original post, the Chinese man was sorta out of order in letting his kid hoard the slid.
If no one else was using it then his kid had the right to use it in whatever way he liked But,
when other kids are using it there has to be a flow.
Generally climbing the stairs and sliding down then climbing the stairs again etc.
Even though they didnt understand english it would have been easy to describe with your hands and pointing motions.

The Trailer Trash woman was an ass and in the wrong though.
Sounds like she wanted to get violent right away over a situation she didn't understand.

LOL, I would have wanted to smack her ass too but I would end up in jail, not the innocent woman.
That's why women and equal rights are still fucked up.
I wanna see an all woman football team win the superbowl next year.


Well-Known Member
Who is "WE" and since when have 'WE" invaded Colombia? I have grown all over the world fucktard. I am El Tib. I go to places that Arjan and his minions only wish they could go.
Arjan never produced a seed I cared about. I thought you were Mexican. because of what you said in another thread about eating on 2500 pesos per month.

"WE" is western Europeans, whom you refer to as white people and a weak race. Or just Mericans if you want. We control earth. We kick all ass and win and freedom and obesity.

*edit* and I'm genuinely sorry for the way things have turned out:peace:

Not that there is a racial difference between Mexicans and Colombians.

We didn't even have to invade Colombia to turn it into a banana republic, at least Mexico put up a fight.


Well-Known Member
Now quit being a fucking bigot, we have enough already. It doesn't really work out well, you always get proven wrong and end up looking stupid when you come with racist arguments. You're not special, you're not superior, your nation is weak and has contributed very little to human progress. Just be human, then you get to be proud of your heritage so much more.


Well-Known Member
Who is "WE" and since when have 'WE" invaded Colombia? I have grown all over the world fucktard. I am El Tib. I go to places that Arjan and his minions only wish they could go.
Caucasians have dominated the world since they discovered it. I think Alexander the Great did a fine job. Rome kicked the lesser peoples around for about a thousand years. You might look at the Turks and say they beat the Bizantines, but the truth is that the Bizantine Empire was ravaged by the Crusaders coming from the west. There is a reason Black people only attack white people when they have a number advantage. The sad part is over the last 50 years, we discovered that we were so much more bad ass than the rest of the world we might just destroy it if we didn't calm down. We let our women start making too many decisions, and a lot of men of European descent are now pussies. I guess my point is white people are the meanest people on the face of the planet. The Arabs have been scared shitless of us for over a thousand years.


Well-Known Member
I guess this thread really comes down to arguments about women's rights. Perfect thread for bigots but it is an interesting you say.
We let our women start making too many decisions
To be honest, there was a time when I could only criticize American women because of some old impressions, but I have traveled a bit and changed my mind about them. Especially professional women. Don't be a hater. Be grateful you live in a place where your daughter can get an education AND get a job.


Well-Known Member
Liberals think women have equal rights, but I was helpless to have handled this in the same manner had this been a dickhead man. We have a long way to go towards men and women relations. She even called me a little girl based only on my hair which is longer than most women's. I have no idea how this would've turned out had I a "proper" man's hair. My description of her action's speaks more than any physical description.
Of course women have equal rights. Did you mean to come off this way?