Should I Water 24/7


Active Member
I have a aeroponics setup and i was wondering if i should keep the water running 24/7 now the seedlings are just about to pop up through the rockwool


Well-Known Member
i do and have heard many people do run 24/7. And some run like intervals some many minutes out of each day. learn how your plants feed with a PPM meter and know when to turn up the food

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
HI mr pot.

what medium are you growing in?

If you are starting in rockwool cubes, you probably don't need to water 24/7.. and even when the roots are well developed and the lights are off, you don't have to water 24/7.. this depends on a few factors taht we still need to know

can you show us your system?
will the roots eventually grow into the reservoir?
hottest day time temps?



Active Member
im growing in a areoponics system and using rockwool but no hydroton ( i have fish aquarium rocks) thats all i had at the time. Today i just see the leaves starting to open right at the top of the rockwool i only water 2 times a day and the temp is at 72. NO the roots wont get the the resivoir.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I always run my aeroponics 24/7 from the day I put my rockwool plants into the pots with hydroton. You dont have hydroton so you d want to do it especially as aquarium stone doesnt retain moisture like hydroton so you ll be drying even faster.


Well-Known Member
I have an aeroponic system but don't use rockwool - just little pieces of rapid rooter to hold the sprouted seed in hydroton. The watering instructions are 1hr on/1hr off until the roots can reach the reservoir and then you can water intermittently. It also recommends to water for an hour during the middle of any dark periods (18/6 or when you switch to 12/12).

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
no need to run the system 24/7 until the roots start dangling.. once the roots start dangling in the air.. you should probably run it ALWAYS when the lights are on and 15-30 minutes every hour when the lights are off..

picture ?



Well-Known Member
I think the reason FF uses 24/7 is cuz his veg may be under 24hrs light, not sure though but I'd love to find out. And, I'd like to know if he goes 24/7 feed during his 12/12. So let us know fletch


Active Member
I use ready gro cubes until the root just start showing, then put it in the aerojet. I run the pump 2-4 times an hour as to not drown the roots in the gro cubes. As the roots grow out increase the timer. By the time the roots get through the hydroton I have running the pump 4 minutes, of, one min on, all the time day or night, veg or flower.

The point with an aero set up is to keep the tray close to 100% humidty. You can't get past that, so running the pump more isn't buying you anything as far as i know. In fact, if the roots grow so long that they fill the tray channels (as mine do), you can cause it to drain slowly, and if you are running 24/7 you could start drowning them. The roots can also grow all the way to the drain tube and clog it, which if you are running 24/7, and this happens in the middle of the night you are going to have water everywhere.

Maybe it depends on the setup you have, how it drains, etc - I am using an Aerojet 4x4
i see it as you can either have a timer to set the sprayers to go on/off for intervals of around 2 - 10 mins.
Or you get an air stone and pump to aerate the water. this has the added benefit of mixing the water and nutrients . This may be redundant if the run off from on* cycle is sufficient at mixing the solution.
But the point is you need air getting to the roots.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
If the roots are sitting in water,,, It is important to keep the water moving..

You can use air stones or a pump or whatever,,, BUT keep that water moving.... moving water has more oxygen in it than stagnant water.. and roots need oxygen..

the more movement the better...



Yet another cultivation question that has multiple answers "right answers"... "I have an Aeroflo2, should I run my pump 24/7 or Recycle Timer?" Guy 1: Yes, run 24/7 it's what I do and I've amazing results for the past 10 years. Guy 2: No, run it 1 min on / 5 min off. It allows maximum oxygen uptake to the root systems and keeps reservoir temps low because the pump isn't running as hard. Guy 3: Run the pump 24/7 until your root system develops. When roots hit the floor of the growth chamber, then switch the pump to 1 min on / 5 min off
Remember.. "When it comes to growing, The right answer is whatever works best for your system" ~ GrowFoSoh©


Well-Known Member
I thought that when the lights are off they cant process photosynthesis anymore hence there is no point in watering when its dark?


Active Member
I think the reason FF uses 24/7 is cuz his veg may be under 24hrs light, not sure though but I'd love to find out. And, I'd like to know if he goes 24/7 feed during his 12/12. So let us know fletch
My first couple of grows I ran 24/7 on the spray and water in the runners.This run I am keeping the runners empty 5sec spray with a 7 min gap between spray cycles growth is much faster and healthier. I would like to only spray 1min every 3 hours at night thats my next change. I try to stay away from rock wool holds to much water. I run all tubes at an angle towards the drain to keep them free of standing water.Set up this way they get nutriant and water from the spry then oxygen from the air.In the res.I have a air stone to keep the water stirred the pump for the water chiller helps this to a water chiller to cool the water to 65F.