Should i trim my auto's??


New Member
Hello all,
Currently i have two autos growing fairly well. They are about 17 days old. My question is, is it a good idea to trim and take away the bigger leaves to allow more light to hit?


Well-Known Member
No, the leaves are where most photosynthesis happens and also where the plant stores reserve nutrients.

I don't grow autos but I would think it is even more important not to trim from a plant with such a short life cycle.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
He11 NO bro do not do that. 2 reasons one the leaves provides energy, 2 you don't want to put any unnecessary stress on a auto you will hurt your ending yield. Just do like i do I take paper clips and bend them and hook big fan leaves and low stress train them out the way.