Should I slay or should I grow


TLDR: Experienced grower just found mites in veg, trying to decide between treating them, or cutting my losses and restarting. There are many contributing factors that make this not an easy decision one way or the other.

Good morning all,
My garden is a converted bedroom divided into a flower section (6.5 x 12) and a veg section (7.5 X 12 plus closet) . The 'rooms' were originally separated by a temporary wall made by 2x4 and panda film. I had been suffering very high flower room temperatures, so 2 weeks ago I rebuilt the flower room. There has been nothing growing in there for 3 weeks(although the veg 'room' is adjacent). I tore down all of the old panda film, bleached the walls, windows, ceiling and floor. I put down pond liner(carpet is gone), new Sheetrock on temp wall, 2 layers of 1/2" foam board, 1 layer of reflective insulation, and resealed the rooms zippered door. I then put up my air cooled fixtures, re installed my exhaust and ran new ventilation to my hoods. The room is as sealed as I can get it without ripping down all of the existing Sheetrock and redoing it. It is ready and waiting installation of my new AC and Co2 system.
I have had 4 plants and 18 clones in the veg room the whole time I was remodeling the flower room. 1 Blue Mystic mother, and 3 teens that I was gifted from a friend: white widow, esther, and cabot cheddar. These teens have been in my veg room for a little over a month. Just last week the Esther died of what appeared to be root rot, I noticed the roots looked bad when I was up potting them in a new batch of super soil. I quarantined the sick plant to an empty green house in my back yard. It quickly died but showed no signs of mites, no webs, bites, spots, etc... I also have an Aerocloner in the closet of my veg room with about 18 healthy babies: 6 Blue Mystic, 8 WW, 2 Esther, and 2 Cheddar. My plants in Veg were looking great, I was getting ready to fire up the flower room now that its complete, and move in the Mama, and the WW and the Cheddar, They have all been up potted in fresh super soil, and I have clones ready to move into my new Aeroponic Veg tote. So I went in to change out the reservoir and in what feels like only 18 hours it seems I have mites bad, there are webs on the tops of the WW, the Cheddar is infested and the Blue mystic Mama has some spots but no visible holes or evidence I can see under my jewelers loupe.
I have been growing since the early 90's so I know what the borg looks like, granted I have been focused on rebuilding my flower room and setting up this new Hydro system, but I have not been neglecting the plants in veg. I have topped and trained the 3 teens of the 4 that were given to me to the point that they are bushes ready to flower. I have checked the clones in the Aero cloner daily, and I not once saw bugs or any sign of them any where. I moved out the sick plant as soon as I saw it looking bad but it seems like less than 24 hours later my Veg room is infested.

I am not quite sure what I want to do to remedy this situation, if I had not just spent so much time and energy re-building my flower room, I would just proceed as usual and treat them before putting them into flower. But I am hesitant to move anything in there just yet I feel like I would be infecting a sterile environment. I am tempted to kill it all and start over(I had previously been bug free for 8 years) they have only been at this level of infestation for 2 days. I also thought about treating them and moving back into my old closet space while I nuke the shit out of the veg side then again in the flower side. Or possibly moving the 2 remaining teens and the mother outside after treatment, and then trying to keep the clones after dunking them. I hate to loose the Blue mystic genetics but I can always order another batch of beans.
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