Should I repot before flowering? advice sought


I repotted my girl last week from a 3 litre (1 gal) pot to a 10 litre (3gal) pot and in the past two days her roots have hit the bottom.

Not sure exactly when was pretty shocked TBH to see them roots when I picked her up to check for watering but given her growth I kind of suspected which is why I checked.

My flowering lights come next week and I plan to put her straight into flower when they arrive.. so that gives me a week before flower. I am under the impression that transplanting during flowering or close to flowering is a bad thing, not the end of the world and preferable to root bound ofc, but nevertheless something to be avoided if possible.

I am using bag seed so I do not know the strain.

My question is should I:

A: Repot today into a much larger container approx 50 litre (13 gal pot I think we have)
B: Wait until mid flowering to repot
C: Not repot at all and the spurt in growth will not be a problem for the roots.?
D: None of the above, stop being a noob and here is what you should do...

Personally I think A as then I should be able to get to end of flowering without anymore transplanting and stress but being a noob I don't know all the factors so some confirmation or advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Repot in a week right before you flip her. That way she will stretch as much as she wants to, and reward you with bigger buds:). I personally don't see the need in transplanting right now, why give her a week to use precious root space? Let her use the space while she stretches. As its a bagseed you can keep her in the pot she's in but she won't reach her full potential as she becomes root bound. Hope this helps a bit. Peace and happy growing!


read plenty of the topic today prob too much tbh... end result is next grow I will be timing my transplants better


Well-Known Member
there is a big difference between roots hitting the pot, and being rootbound.
Therefore I think C
I used to transplant from 5l into a 10l for flower and experienced problems due to not enough root room. I'm advising from experience, hence my original answer.