should i remove my light?


Active Member
Put my flurescent light on my little seedlings today...they are only about a week old...but this morning it seemed as though an hr after I started giving it some light that the plants started to wilt???

does anyone know if this is because of the light....? should I place it back underdarkness?

this is such a piss off because they were looking really healthy last night, and I decided to give it light this morning and it's taken it badly

should I remove the light?


Well-Known Member
How much water did you give it, Keep it in the light... it will die with no light.
make sure you dont over water over nute, etc... if you did over water let the soil dry, then water so the soil around the stem is moist, and not SOaked, so your plant can drink with out being drowned.


Well-Known Member
While it does need light, you may want to try moving your light further away. Pics would help alot. Also an oscilating fan is a must to grow healthy stems.