Should i move the plant to a bigger pot????


Active Member
it might be a dumb question that i already know the answer to but my mama always said, better be safe then sorry; so if there are a few roots hanging out the bottom of my 6 in pot, would it be a good idea to move the plant to a bigger pot, cant put it in the ground cause i live in a community type thing, im growing it behind my fence in my patio


Well-Known Member
If the roots are popping out, you probably should have moved it sooner. How far out are they?


Active Member
not much about 4cm. dude i know its bad but i could go to home depot right this second and move that baby


Well-Known Member
roots will come out the bottom of the pots if they are bound up its a good idea to transplant them.

it is advisable to repot in veg cycle only though


Active Member
it might be a dumb question that i already know the answer to but my mama always said, better be safe then sorry; so if there are a few roots hanging out the bottom of my 6 in pot, would it be a good idea to move the plant to a bigger pot,
Yea, like a few days BEFORE you had that thought. <g> Anytime you see roots coming out it is starting to becoming root-bound.