Should i flower indoor? Or outdoor

Im from southern cali and by now its probably too late to vegg anything outside and i have like 8 plants from seed vegged for a month and a half. Since outside is like flowering mode i am debating if i would get more bud under my 600 watter or will i get more transplanting outside in the dirt?


Active Member
the biggest thing you will have to worry about outdoors is the night time temp in oct/nov. So Cal is famous for 70 degrees and sunny, but I remember being out there in 2002 during the "fall" and the temps would drop in the 40s or lower at night. If you are growing indica you might be fine, but sativas will put you harvesting around the middle of november, and I don't know for certain but I get the feeling the cold will negatively affect the potential yield. Whenever I am at a crossroad like that, I will usually experiment. Put 4 outside and 4 inside, then compare their yields after harvest. Like blunters said, you will get more from the sun, but I think the outside temp will come back to hurt you.