should i cut this


Well-Known Member
does anyone know what would happen if i cut this part of the plant and wot would happen if i did would it still grow and if so would it consentrate in making the buds grow outwards insted of upwards!!!!! please help somone befor i do the roung thing


Active Member
but u have to Clip 1 branch
dont do the hole top of the plant
u want that plant to bush out right
just clip 1 branch on each side
But r u sure its a FEMALE plant
if u dont know yet wait to do that:joint:


Well-Known Member
it is a female plant and it is 4 weeks away from finishing i need profestial help so if you please( meaning if you dont know what you are talking about please dont give roungful advise most people can see that my plant is female) !!!!


Well-Known Member
why why why do you want to cut a plant when its in bud or ever for that matter.the time for cutting or even better supercropping is when in veg.


Active Member
What do u mean what is going on? your plant is flowering, if you want you can tie some of it down to manipulate branches but dont do any sort of topping!


Well-Known Member
fuck sake i know my plant is flowering i have done many grows before so i know how to grow but the top of the plant is still growing in a strange why that i have never seen before. and this is the first time that i have grown with the lights down the side. i need professional help. so no one give me wrongful anserous if you dont know what is going on.


Well-Known Member
Are you asking why don't you have a nice main cola? I don't understand you, and don't get all huffy puffy at me for trying to help you.... here is my theory.

The reason you have a weak main bud is what you states above, you only have side lighting. Generally side lighting is seen as a supplement to the overhead lights.... not the only light source. That is why the top of your main cola looks like a bottom bud, all fluffy and lite..... just my 2 cents, and FYI don't get pissed at people who are only trying to help you.... If you have "done many grows" you would know flower needs light to develop, your top isn't recieveing enough light......


Well-Known Member
Ummm i still don't understand what you are saying is growing out of your cola? maybe say what it looks like, or circle it in the photo cause i don't see shit.....


Well-Known Member
LoL thats your main cola trying to grow upwards and not receiving enough light.....Funny how right were the light bulbs starts (ie: the plastic base on your lights) your main cola went to crap..... what does that tell you? that is new flower growth in your main cola that is floundering because of the lack of light... now go fit it mr. expert..



Well-Known Member
k donteven touch that shit this late in the game, you fucked up by not doing LST or tyingor fimming or w/e you should have done in like veg and early flowering, first of all you are flipping on people about your little problema nd not ONCE have you stated what your PROBLEM is, is it space? height? your buds? you dont know how to spell let alone communicate so dont be flaming people and questioning their knowledge when its quite apparent you dont have much.

that aside, id say leave it , dont touch it at all, you have enough space and your top buds wqill still develope just not alot


Well-Known Member
k donteven touch that shit this late in the game, you fucked up by not doing LST or tyingor fimming or w/e you should have done in like veg and early flowering, first of all you are flipping on people about your little problema nd not ONCE have you stated what your PROBLEM is, is it space? height? your buds? you dont know how to spell let alone communicate so dont be flaming people and questioning their knowledge when its quite apparent you dont have much.

that aside, id say leave it , dont touch it at all, you have enough space and your top buds wqill still develope just not alot
:clap: thank you, finally someone else saw how this dude treats people who are ONLY TRYING TO HELP....


Well-Known Member
:clap: thank you, finally someone else saw how this dude treats people who are ONLY TRYING TO HELP....
i had already stated what the problem was so you should know! and if lack of light is the only problem then its only the top not the hole plant as these bulbs are 200 watts each! and have any of you had your own grow!
because you guys are all telling me what i already know ( all i what to know is would it be alright for me to cut this off so the plant grows out and not up do you understand! . l s t is good if you like that short of thing!


Well-Known Member
and have any of you had your own grow!

We'll you still make no sense... i don't think anyone understands your problems...... honestly, growing should bring you pleasure, don't let your garden bring you any stress (learned that from a Garden Knowm)....

And yea, am all but positive that most people on here have had their own grow, most likely way more experience than you.....:peace: