should i begin flowering AK47s??


Active Member
ive had these 2 ak47s vegging for about 3 and a half weeks under a 400W HPS and are just over a foot tall. im on a tight schedule and am looking to get max yeild out before christmas. should i begin to convert to the 12/12 cycle now? and if so what kind of yeild would i be looking at??



Active Member
yea cant, at school, cant water and watch them once i go. but if i did flower them for 5 weeks what do u think id get out of them


Active Member
When I'm trying to maximize yield and have more space and time to work with, I start to flower when they're as tall as my finger to my elbow. I'd say 14-16" tall.
But sometimes I opt for 1 week vegetative for rooted clones. I get a bountiful harvest from a 9 week flowering period/one week veg.