Short cycle timers... burning them out in a day

My brother and I both purchased panda timers on ebay and they really sucked. (We opened the timers after they failed) they where very poorly modified.One lasted exactly 5 months and another after 7 1/2 months . The timers failed during flowering period, I lost my whole crop because of it. The seller never replied to numerous emails and ended up being refunded by paypal. 2 years ago we purchased a Tiger timer, another so called ''aeroponic timers'' made by canaponics laboratories a canadian company. We ordered 2 from eBay and later 1 from Bonanza made from the same company. They were a few bucks more than any other but since we had no other 1 minute timers to choose from, we ordered 3 (contacted seller and asked them a discount if I would buy 3 and got a 15$ rebate) I sent about 9 emails to the seller to see what kind of service they offer and they replied in a few minutes each time (in the middle of the night) I was more than a little ''frosted'' I told them that if I purchase their timers and they send me crap timers like those panda timers, I would complain to paypal, ebay and bonanza. Well 2 years 4 months later, the Tiger timers are still working perfectly. True 60 seconds timers with 3 grounded outlets. Before I wrote this review, I checked if they still exist and yes they are still on ebay and bonanza. I think they are pretty much everywhere now except amazon. They have a web site now but they don't accept paypal on their main site (not cool:sad:) but at least they sell on abay and bonanza witch accepts paypal. I don't know if you can imagine what I felt like when I lost my crop during the flowering stage. Man I cried and I was fuc..g mad:fire: I smashed most of my setup that day and yes I admit I cried. All I was thinking was those fuc..g crap panda timers and what I went through. Anyway it's all water under the bridge. I'm in smoke heaven now.....bongsmilie
This is PURE SLANDER....... YOU ARE AKA>>TIGER TIMERS>>>> a shop on esty and a shop on bonanza you purchased my timer and within 2 weeks you are selling them i have a great reputation selling them and using them. what you have to stoop this LOW??? WOW SALES MUST BE CRAPPY !!!! well on your end... just like your other items you have just re-labeled and charging outrageous amounts for all from ebay from your home not some so called LABORATORY go ahead everyone check this fraud out just go to his website and click his esty or bonanza links ....... i rest my case


Well-Known Member
I believe he doesnt know his arse from his elbow if he considers the optimum on time for high pressure aero is 1 minute ;) Forget using clockwork timers for hpa, for $15 you can have one thats accurate to 1/200th of a second thats equipped with a solid state relay (good for 50 million cycles)