SHIT! Weres the weed dude?


Well-Known Member
So the other day i was out with my mate, we had walked around town for 20mins and decided to go out and roll a fattie, so i search my pocket for my baggie and nowhere it was. So we retraced footsteps and in one of the biggest supermarkets in the town I walked in and by the entrance next to a busy cash till, only to find it lying on the floor.

Picked it up, smoked it, good times. :peace:

Never had such freaking luck before!

Lost weed?


Well-Known Member
Ive lost weed around the house before never lost pot in a store, however i lost 5 hits of acid in a gas station before


Well-Known Member
Ive lost weed around the house before never lost pot in a store, however i lost 5 hits of acid in a gas station before
That sucks haha, even if I lose something little i have to find it, I think i was too persistent in were normal people wouldnt bother. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Dude, I lost my phone once. I was litterally driving all over the city that night I hit up the westside, northside, southside,2 different beaches, mandarin and arlington. I live in the largest city in the USA. I realized my phone was missing, so I started retracing my footsteps. Found it about an hour later. Never been so relieved in my life.'

Hate to say it, but if I find a bag of weed in a store un-attended I'm gonna watch it for a minute or two, if it's not claimed I'm gonna snatch it and run. Not runnin from the owner,but just in case it was a sting I'm getting out of there.


Well-Known Member
Dude thats smart, the police arnt like that here but thats nice of you too make sure it isn't someones.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Thanks. I try not to be a thief, but if it's just sitting there chances are it's forgotten anyways. :P If I don't snag it someone else will. I am probably more deserving anyways. ;)


Well-Known Member
i lost 3 grams of hash on the floor of a store by the time i relzed that shit was long gone


Man, one time me and my friend were getting ready to light up in my car, but I had to go grocery hopping first, so we get to the store and shop, then take off over to the next town to smoke, I ask my friend "aright, grab the weed" so he searches his pockets and can't find it anywhere! We head back to the store and it's sitting in the parking spot we had just left, LUCKY! That was the second time that week that friend had done almost the exact same thing in two different places! He doesn't hold the bud


Well-Known Member
Good good.
Another story I only just ran out of bud and now i have to wait it out till the afternoon, I go to the toilet after not being at my flat for a couple of days and I find a bongs worth of weed on top of the toilet!
Crazy shit I never put it there lol.



Well-Known Member
I once picked up a wolmen's purse on the train, (my stop is the last on the line and the train sleeps there). Handed it in at the station masters', the next morning he stopped me to say that the woman came to look for it, and that it contained her full salary... if there was a reward, he pocketed it... bastage, I could have done with it, was a qualuud addict at the time, smoked bunches of the stuff.


Well-Known Member
I was once a check out of a large convenience store and it was very busy. Put my hand into my pocket to reach for my wallet and out came a big bag of speed with my wallet and landed on the floor. This was about 10 grams. Everybody seen it. there was no point in hiding it.

I just finished my transaction as usual and walked out normally with everyone staring at me. It was quite a rush.


Well-Known Member
I just lost a 2 gram joint last night :(

was walking to a friends house, right at the door I pulled it out and it fell in between the spaces in the wood porch


Well-Known Member
Once while I was working as a waiter, I was cleaning up the table after these people had left and found a dugout full of weed on the floor behind the table. I just stuck it in my apron and since it was a table in my section, I kept an eye out for the people that had been sitting there. No one ever came back, so I smoked that shit and used that pipe for years. good times...