Shit! No more direct sunlight

andy appleseed

Well-Known Member
I have four 5ft plants that I have been growing since May. During the summer they got around 8 hours of direct sunlight. Now they dont get any. The sun doesnt make it over the tree line anymore... WTF!!! One plant has about two weeks to go and the other three sativas have about five weeks to go.

Anyone know what will happen?


Well-Known Member
should be fine. chaces are they still get a little bit of direct. just plann a little better next year bro.
i got the same problem bro,i used to get sunlight 7 hours a day all day now i dont get no sunlight at all, i dont know what to do cut them early or just leave them another week or so to see what happens:confused::confused:


indirect sunlight is still fine and will kill cfls anyday let them grow bro


The key here is grow your plants taller than the tree line LOL :)

Not everybody can afford to produce the behemoths you seem to enjoy lol. Direct sunlight is good but indirec will still produce the red spectrum lighting you need for flowering. I wouldnt worry too much about it although this isnt to say your yield will be what it could have been with direct


Well-Known Member
Not everybody can afford to produce the behemoths you seem to enjoy lol. Direct sunlight is good but indirec will still produce the red spectrum lighting you need for flowering. I wouldnt worry too much about it although this isnt to say your yield will be what it could have been with direct
Did you think I was serius? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Did you think I was serius? :mrgreen:
well that is actually a technique I applied this year.... intentional stretching to catch more light exposure due to obstacles and tree line... worked out very well, :)

the tree topping and chopping has a bit more to do with winter and spring growing than the regular summer season...... as the earth moves seasonally so does the suns path..... if I didn't cut the trees..... most of winter and well into spring my new site wouldn't get hardly any direct light at all :(.... buts its getting taken care of, ;)

Why prep work makes sooo much of a difference ;) :D


Well-Known Member
Not everybody can afford to produce the behemoths you seem to enjoy lol. Direct sunlight is good but indirec will still produce the red spectrum lighting you need for flowering. I wouldnt worry too much about it although this isnt to say your yield will be what it could have been with direct
just wanted to say ur avatar is funny as hell

Juan Valdez

Active Member
Look into getting or making an inclinometer and a seasonal sun path chart. With these you can pinpoint where the sun will be at different points in the growing season.
Look into getting or making an inclinometer and a seasonal sun path chart. With these you can pinpoint where the sun will be at different points in the growing season.

i know direct sunlight is best, but will a plant be stunted if its grown in a screened room thats outside?
thanks in advance :peace:bongsmilie:peace:


Are you guerila growing or do you have a personal garden? If you aren't worried about attention, I would suggest bringing out some lights during dusk/night. Maybe rig some HIDs to an outdoor flood-type lamp if you can.

Then again, maybe its just best to let nature do what it does. I'm sure it won't affect the grow much. If anything you just won't yeild as much.

Juan Valdez

Active Member

Here's a link to a site that you can get free printable sun path charts for your location. Just enter your zip or coordinates and print.

Here's a link to a "how to make your own cheap inclinometer"

Now all you will need is a decent compass (mine was about 8 bucks), but make sure it's one with degrees of azimuth marks and not just N,S,E,W.

I used all these this year for the first time and it definately helped me alot! It's actually not all that complicated either, in past grows I never even knew wich way was south, i just planted in a sunny spot and hoped it would work. Now I'm assured I will get sunlight towards the end of the season, wich makes things go alot more smoothly!

Hope this helps, Peace


Well-Known Member

Here's a link to a site that you can get free printable sun path charts for your location. Just enter your zip or coordinates and print.

Here's a link to a "how to make your own cheap inclinometer"

Now all you will need is a decent compass, one with degrees of azimuth marks and not just N,S,E,W.

I used all these this year for the first time and I'm sure it paid off. It's actually not all that complicated either, in past grows I never even knew wich way was south, i just planted in a sunny spot and hoped it would work. Now I'm assured every spot will get sunlight towards the end of the season, wich makes things go alot more smoothly!
good sun, air, water, soil are crucial for successful grows....... and for each element there is a match on another plain that must be met..... karma, love, faith, hard work ;)


Well-Known Member
Are you guerila growing or do you have a personal garden? If you aren't worried about attention, I would suggest bringing out some lights during dusk/night. Maybe rig some HIDs to an outdoor flood-type lamp if you can.

Then again, maybe its just best to let nature do what it does. I'm sure it won't affect the grow much. If anything you just won't yeild as much.
Can you explain this plan of your in more detail please? You want to bring HID outside at dusk right? I take it that sense you are giving this advise that you have tried this. Can you tell me how well it worked? What about stealth and 1000w HID in your backyard?

andy appleseed

Well-Known Member
My plants are doing ok. All my plants are putting on flowers at least. Ive sampled some of the Barneys Farm LSD strain and it was dank. Allot of the buds, besides the main colas, are fluffy though.

Even if the plants were in a position to recieve direct sunlight, it would'nt matter with the weather here in georgia.....of course the one year I decide to grow we get a fuckin hundred year rain. It seems like it has rained 20 days out of the last 30 days. Maybe 5 sunny days.