Shipping Clones How>???????

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Active Member
not that I have ever had the need to ship a clone, I would definitely pay the extra for over night shipping. Through work an ebay sales, I have to say another thing, In 1000s of legal shipments, I've lost maybe 1 total shipment ever with UPS/FEDEX, and probably 1 in 100 via USPS. Their system just isnt as good. Some of the items I shipped were electronics and stuff so maybe were just ganked on the way or something, however I think there are just too many holes in their system. Fedex and UPS tracking can tell u like within a matter of miles where you package is at all times. USPS may or may not scan it at all. If you ship via FedEx for example, you can ship overnight to anywhere in the country for like $30-40 bucks. Take it to the FedEx store close to their last pickup at 7pm, its guaranteed by like 10am the next day. This doesn't leave them all that much time to fuck with the package. My recommendation would be to just have the package look as generic as possible to not draw any red flags. Don't use suspicious/fake looking addresses. If this is a one time thing, Its a reasonably safe risk in my opinion if you have trustworthy people on each side of the shipment to just use your real address. The thing most likely to get you busted is if the box accidentally gets broken open on the way by a clumsy driver, or leaks liquid of some sort that draws attention. Make sure any liquid is water tight, and that shaking the box doesn't give away at all that there is any suspicious liquid inside. There are probably protocols that make drivers have to report any type of item that leaks anything wet.


Well-Known Member
This clone shipping method helps us all share our wonderful strains of cannabis. Especially those strains that are not available in seed form anymore. This is my method that should give 100% success ratio sending rooted clones. Sending clones in this manner almost ensures that they will arrive intact and not crumpled....
What you need:
1- rubber exam gloves (don?t want the feds knowing your prints)
2- VHS Cassette protectors- I got for free from local blockbuster
3- toilet paper or paper towel cardboard roll
4- scissors
5- scotch tape
6- plastic baggies (I prefer the sandwich non-ziplock ones)
7- larger freezer bags- to put around cassette(s) afterwards
8- a padded envelope
10- a water bottle of distilled water

The first part is to take the cardboard rolls and cut them to size. I like to use the cassette case as my outline - decide how many will go in the case and how big the cardboard must be to fit inside ? remember to allow for some room for the bottom of the rockwool.
After you have cut the cardboard tubes to size, cut them down the middle
Now take a well rooted clone and put it inside the carboard tube ? wrap tape at the top and bottom to secure the clone inside the tube
Now take the protected clone and mist the bottom and top of it.
(spoonta66) .... try using an anti transpirant wax spray - it will make them last twice as long.
Take a baggie and put the protected clone in the baggie - with the leaf side near the top/opening
Roll the baggie around the clone. take the top.. fold down and secure ith tape.
Then lay the bagged and protected clone inside the cassette...
Lay as many as you can fit safely in a cassette case and then gently close it down....

Video cassettes work great; the plastic case protects the clones against damage and doesn?t allow the clones to slide around much.
Finally, I like to double bag the cassette cases to make sure no smell comes out....
I prefer USPS priority mail, it is 2-3 days guaranteed and starts at 3.85 per package. Overnight would work too.. I would NOT go slower than a 3 day method.
Pics would be nice back in 2011. To weird trying to read.
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