Shatter to vape juice?


Active Member
Hello all,

So I’ve finally got access to shatter where I am from and I’m dead excited.
There’s an awful lot I have been wanting to do with cannabis however It’s still very much illegal here and for that reason, less availability.

Anyway, I’ve been hoping to buy some shatter and turn it into vape liquid. My only problem is HOW! I know it is doable but people seem to turn 1g of shatter into about 2 hits worth of vape juice!! I want to know how to turn 1g of shatter into say 50ml of vape juice (5 mini 10ml bottles).

My questions are as follows:
  • How is it made? Am I better infusing/mixing the shatter with PG/VG or using one of those premixed solutions by say vapeyourwax?
  • How many ml of vape juice is recommended to be made out of 1g shatter?
  • Can I use the final product in any vape pen?
  • Can I add another none thc ejuice to the mix to add flavourings?
Thanks In advance to all that reply!
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