sexing help... +REP


Well-Known Member

per say i have about 14 seedlings in a rubbermaid all of varying ages and sizes but most under 4 inches with atleast 2 leave sets..

only under three 23 watters .....

would this be sufficient to sex these mamajama's? i want to sex cause pickin males sucks....

can i just sex then transplant outdoors? like auto reveg?

let me hear your expierences!


Well-Known Member
how old are they? you should just grow them to a decent size and transplant them outdoors, dont worry bout the sexing till theyre bigger.

but id add a good few more lights. three 23w cfl is really low!


Well-Known Member
well yah but i dont think i wanna put em outdoors without sexing.. i can only check every three weeks.... so thats plenty time for balls to open and babies to boom....

i dont know... im thinking bout taking my chances with bout 8 of them outdoors and really trying to sex 4 or 5 under the lights...

the 8 or so that are outdoors will be in 1x2 holes ammended soil with mulch on top with water maybe.. maybe... every three weeks?

what could i expect from those specimens...


Well-Known Member
Id wait till around week 5 and start looking. Itll show sex under low wattage, when i was in HS i had a party at my moms house, long story short I planted a couple seeds in the planter in her table, which gets very little light. My mom had no idea what it was but grew the spindlyest most scrawny weed plant ever. She just kept watering it and tied it up..anyway I think 69 watts has to be 3 times what that plant was getting.


Well-Known Member
yeah, but youre growing weed to smoke it are you not? why would you bother if youre not gonna give it the right amount of light?

keep all 16 inside for a while, but do increase the wattage! like slippery p said tho, keep them there for like 5-6 weeks, then cut the light down to 12-12, then after another week or so you should start to see some sort of sex show. :weed:


Well-Known Member
yeah.... but im just wanting to check my plants sex before they are in mother natures hands... and the girls needa be in the ground BEFORE may 15... so umm.... just enough time to switch 12 12 today if they would show... im confused :(


Well-Known Member
5 week old plants dont fit in one rubbermaid... especially that many....

all i wanna do is determine sex with these bulbs... i dont want to add more because of heat... ill just reduce plant numbers and say good luck to the rest... out they go... but i would love to have one... one female that i could put in a big hole.... and just.. just watch her reach the stars... ... wake n bake sorry


Well-Known Member
they would grow just fine with 23 wattts even just slower, but you wont be doing any sexing till they are 6 weeks old, unless your really good, and i take it by this thread your not, wait till they get 6 sets of leaves, stick em outside and worry about sex in june, because realistically it will be a month or two before they show and before you ever need to worry about it.


Well-Known Member
i thought they would show sex 2 weeks after 12... 12... if thats not the case then ive been reading some trash....

they are almost 2 weeks old... some, well bout 4 of them have 4 sets of leaves or more.....

its goign to be hard to get em in june because i will only be able to check on the girls every so often... but i have an auto irrigated place that i would love to have 2 females in so i know i have some stash... the rest will be determined if mother nature can weee wee enough... rain.. haha

you still say not to switch to 12 12 today?


Well-Known Member
keep vegging, your plant will become mature and show preflowers and have alternating nodes when it is approx. 3-6 weeks old. no need to force flower and then force re-veg.


Well-Known Member
You can sex them at 4-8 weeks, as soon as you have alternating nodes. Tons of images of what to look for on the net, use a magnifying glass to see those tiny pistils and ball sacs. Taking them into forced flower to determine sex and then back into vegetation, then flowering creates unnecessary stress and raises the potential of hermies.

On edit: Sorry darkdestruction420, I missed your post.


Well-Known Member
it depends on how the plant is doing too, yours are not mature and ready for flower yet, so they still gotta veg till they mature and then they can focus on flowering. force flowering is one of the dumbest things(no offense of course) that i see people saying its a good idea and this and that force flowering to find sex then revert to veg so you know youve got all females . It isnt, you waste 3-4 weeks at least with all the changes the plant has to make to first forcefully flower and then having to revert back. Plants show sex during vegging, their is no need to waste your time.


Well-Known Member
do i should just take a chance of having all males in my one irrigated spot? i for sure shouldnt force flower for the next two weeks before placing the plants outdoors.... for sure!?