Several deficiencies not shure what to do


Well-Known Member
Sure that's what ya say but in all reality we know that's not true. Your dirt rootlocks clones in cups in 2 weeks or less in solo cups. I'll show you an example the next time I take clones. But if course your dirt is better than coco lol ok you got me. Oh and I'm sure your 100% at everything too lol @ that

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no reason to be a cock right? I'm truthful with nothing to prove. I've grown in frikken styrofoam balls so I know anything is possible.
who says coco is better or soil is better, they all can be made to work, we choose for our habits is all.

Obviously you favor your grow in coco rather than in your soil is all, its ok, we all have had hard times and changed the show. you threw it away and succeeded in coco, great, you found a substrate that works for your garden habits, hooray. I mean to say, my clones grow tall in cups, root bound and all. I grew once in coco and failed. I threw it away and promix was a win for me. before that I was a die hard hydro guy, till I tried one plant in promix with organic ferts, never looked back.

I keep a veg room up like a menu. I embarrassingly leave plants in cups for extended stays for lack of veg room before they go to larger containers. I know their growth rate, I watch it all carefully. their roots hanging out in the grow trays used to bug me, now I see even if they get cut off all is fine with me. I too can take pics of "root bound" solo cups, with roots trailing undernath

"rootlock" needs to be defined by you to carry on?
