setting up a grow room and need help


Well-Known Member
LoL, i wasnt knockn ya ninja, was basically pointing out hydro shops suck with information. You can spot a newb in the store from the back corner... they are the ones gettn led around by the hand, the little cute sales chick explaining why they need this, and this, and that, oooh you should really consider using this.... its funny...


Well-Known Member
LoL, i wasnt knockn ya ninja, was basically pointing out hydro shops suck with information. You can spot a newb in the store from the back corner... they are the ones gettn led around by the hand, the little cute sales chick explaining why they need this, and this, and that, oooh you should really consider using this.... its funny...
I didnt think you were knockin me lol im a noob myself but at least i was smart enough to do some research before getting into indoor gardening. Now my plants look amazing and i only add three things to them at the minimum amount i think they need. Its working like a charm. Last night i just harvested a basil plant growing in hydro and made pesto. This plant was three and a half feet high and three feet wide. Everyone that saw it said it was the biggest theyd ever seen. RESEARCH. I seriously hope this guy/girl realizes how much ching you need to keep this up. I spent over a thousand just growing vegtables in under a month lol that numbers way higher now. I think they figured out they dont have the funds for this endevor and will go smaller since theres been no response and the guy still hasnt +repd me after i spoon fed him all that shit. It is nice to know that even as a noob Im light years ahead of the noob curve since ive never gotten torn apart on RIU. You do get some funny answers from some people, thats one of the reasons why i keep coming back...better stock up on cal-mag....lmfao everytime i read it.


Well-Known Member
It's not silly, it's ambitious, big and optimistic..... I like ambitious, big and optimistic.

Setting up 40 clones for a sea of green, isn't really THAT hard, he will get experience just getting the mothers going good. Once he gets mothers and cloning down.. 40 plants isn't that much of a hop. Especially if you're not going to allow them any vertical growth and are just looking for 40 little 1/4 zip popsicle buds. Knowhattamean Vern?

You could run 20 | 3 x 3 inch cubes with popsicle clones in 2 small kiddy pools or 6 | 6 foot x 2 foot foot trays, easy peasy.....

In fact figure that you're a beginner so make room for 60 clones and figure at least 20 will die. If only 5 die.. well.. that's bonus...

2 - 1000 watt lights for both 6 foot areas.

Make all your clones about 5-6 inches long. With the right strain you finish with 12 - 15 inch little popsicles... I read a piece Ed Rosenthal did with a similar set up. I think he had a larger set up of like 120 plants and 4 | 1000 watt lights, or something. and it was in an apartment bedroom no less.

I think the strain was lowryder? Pretty certain it was a really short auto-blooming variety.

And actually, dealing with a big reservoir is MUCH easier than dealing with lots of little pots.... SO really all you're doing is treating the 40 clones as one big plant that has all it's branches growing in seperate individual cubes.


Well-Known Member
This is a great idea^^^ but first you have to have the mother plants that will give 60 clones, and your giving this guy a ton of credit assuming that he wont destroy anything that touches rockwool. Also, 40 1/4s is only ten os and that wont even cover costs. If he can pull 3oz each or more off 8 monsters thats 24 os minimum. At three thousand watts thats saying hell yield .22 grams per watt. I know a blind gardener, no shit, and he could do better than that. Under half gram a watt (.45) would be 6 oz a tree and 48 oz total. Anywhere in that range should cover costs but it never does lol


Well-Known Member
I agree that more could be gotten from larger plants... however, he wants 40... He seems to want 40... and the 1/4 oz mark is the bare minimum. I seem to recall that Ed's end game were little 1/4 to 1/2 oz kolas.

The advantage of all of this? He will be able to opt to bud the mothers and see the difference in the end. The best way to show 'em is.. show 'em!


Well-Known Member
I just realised a flaw...

How do you get a mother.... from an auto-flowering variety? SO.... he would have to destroy the entire plant it would seem to get his clones. For a beginner that aint good because then he wouldn't have any left over plants if something devastating occured.... So that would auto-magically leave the taller indica varieties that would provide more material. I think.............................. :|

Yes this is my first indoor crop but if everyone had the same way of thinking as u ninja there would never be any people great at anything so if ur not helping ur the problem so shut the hell up and i kno i wont make my money vack 1st crop but i got the money to do it dont be a jelious baby cause u couldnt afford a set up like what im getting. Thank for eceryone who gave good advice and ive got 7 ladies going already and they are 3ft tall and healthly starting to bud right now


Well-Known Member
with an attitude like that, it's a wonder people aren't chomping at the bit to tell you how not to fail.
Not really i thanked eveeyone that helped me that other stuff was meant for ninjabolwer for calling me an asshole for wanting to go that big for my crop. Im all about respect til u disrespect me then i no longer show u any respect


Well-Known Member
Yes this is my first indoor crop but if everyone had the same way of thinking as u ninja there would never be any people great at anything so if ur not helping ur the problem so shut the hell up and i kno i wont make my money vack 1st crop but i got the money to do it dont be a jelious baby cause u couldnt afford a set up like what im getting. Thank for eceryone who gave good advice and ive got 7 ladies going already and they are 3ft tall and healthly starting to bud right now
Woah ho ho, 7 female marijuana plants you say?! "HIGH ROLLER IN THE HOUSE!"

If everyone had the same thinking as YOU, they wouldn't do shit but ask questions like what soil should I use, or nutes, how much light, do I use 3 or 5 gal buckets. Fuck, did you even try a google search, or was it straight to the post new thread tab for you?

Afford a setup like you are getting, BWAHAHAHA!!! Dude, you don't even fucking know what gear to get so how the hell do you even know what it's gonna cost, lol! Probably going to get the estimate for this 40 monster lady grow you are planning and then we will be seeing your grow journal of a carb board box with 3 of those little curly fry looking lights. Besides, whats a bad ass setup cost to run 40 noobie plants, at most a couple grand? Thats what a 15 year old car costs, I don't know what people are suppose to be jealous of, we aren't talking big money by any means.

Not really i thanked eveeyone that helped me that other stuff was meant for ninjabolwer for calling me an asshole for wanting to go that big for my crop. Im all about respect til u disrespect me then i no longer show u any respect
I respect those who try to be self reliant first, rather than just holding their hands out and saying please and thank you right from the beginning. I mean, fuck, you asked questions that are pretty well covered all over web, but I'll be damned if the world didnt need one more "tell me what I need to know so I don't have to do any research" thread.


Well-Known Member
d as far as lights and stuff thats why im asking cause ive grown outdoor for 8seasons but never indoor
BWAHAHAHA, FUCKING DUDE!!! You were just in another thread.....fuck it I'll just quote your ass MR. "I've GROWN OUTDOOR FOR 8 SEASONS." This is just a sample....

When and how can u tell between male abd female plants

Im working with a really tight budget cause when tax season comes around im getting the full set up but til then just getting by ya kno

Woah, what tight budget, shit son I thought people were jealous of the mad cash you had to throw around on this grow, wtf happened bro? Oh, gotta wait for that welfare tax return check to pull this massive 40 lady grow off, eh high roller? LOL LOL LOL I even saw a "how much will I yield" thread from you.

Smack that ass.


Well-Known Member
When educational postings turn to flame wars, thats time for me to exit the conversation.

Good luck with your grow man.


Well-Known Member
You should'nt use any soil at all!
go on over and visit flowamasta/600w 1 lb monster...1 plant.
set up some 4x4x8 grow tents made with foil faced osb.
make a veg room/light that baby with cfl tubes.
stagger your 12 hour cycle
look at old scotty balls grow too....floranova for me.

Garden weeds

Active Member
wow, 40 ladies for what seems to be your first grow? Probably best to start with maybe 1-3 plants and use it as a bit of a learning curve. GW


Well-Known Member
spandy.. LOL! Yeh, that pretty much puts the nail in the coffin...

I didn't even read his posts, I was more involved with devising a system that would hold 40 plants... LOL!

Not to mention I'm not to keen on giving tips to folks who grow for profit that only see dollar signs as the end game.

In my mind if you're doing this to make money, you're a manufacturer, not a grower. Greedy.... It's what will kill it.


Well-Known Member
Yes this is my first indoor crop but if everyone had the same way of thinking as u ninja there would never be any people great at anything so if ur not helping ur the problem so shut the hell up and i kno i wont make my money vack 1st crop but i got the money to do it dont be a jelious baby cause u couldnt afford a set up like what im getting. Thank for eceryone who gave good advice and ive got 7 ladies going already and they are 3ft tall and healthly starting to bud right now
You tard, everything in my setup is the best i could get. Growings a hobby for me, not my livelihood. And to tell me to shut the hell up....the guy that gave you a straight answer? I tell it like it is man, if you dont like it dont be it. Bro, you claimed that your solar pannels were going to give you 4/6 oz per plant x 40??? Btw, its kinda funny how exactly what i said you should do with the 8 three foot plants your doing....ironic huh? So if you CAN afford this amazing setup and you know what your doing, lets see these seven plants and your expensive setup, your legal since your repin p town..poorly..but walk the walk, post a pic so we can have a laugh lol