

Well-Known Member
My ex called me the other day because he couldn't find any bud and was desperate. He knew about my trim in the freezer and asked me to make ISO hash and sell it to him. I said no, I wanted to make butter with it. All of a sudden, he just blew up and started raging about how much of a selfish bitch I am because "I know he hates edibles" and I'm just "doing it to piss him off". We had this same argument before I harvested my plant because I offered my friends some cookies if they helped me trim... he supposedly "can't get high" from edibles and feels like he's missing out on this massively important part of life because of it.... so I was "rubbing it in his face" by offering my friends cookies.

So, I said, you know all bitch like, "Oh.. I'm sorry... did you help me grow this plant? Financially? Physically? Did you even help me trim?!" not at all. Seriously, how the hell can you argue with such a retarded argument? I'm being harassed via text and am expecting him to show up at my place any minute now demanding some hash or some shit.

god I wish I knew more logical people... or at least moderately intelligent people...


Active Member
you said he was your ex? you should keep it that way and stop interacting with him. problem solved. ive had enough crazy ass ex girlfriends that i can confidently give this advice. or you are going to have to off him. good luck either way.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If you are legal, stand your ground. Maybe get a large dog and a male friend to intimidate him.

If you aren't legal, or have no dog/male friend who is intimidating, save up your money and move to a different place.

That is my advice.


Well-Known Member
Make some QWISO with some denatured. Then, taint it.

Be careful, I'm suggesting you off the bastard, so maybe ignore my advice, and take the "stay away from crazy" advice above...


Active Member
99% of the time we create our own problems. if he is your ex, why does he know anything that is going on in your life? i just fail to understand here, but like i said before- ive dealt with a LOT of crazy in my life


Well-Known Member
damn I could go for some hash right now :)
no ur tottaly in the right its ur product you do what u want with it. You can borrow the big beating club I carry around in my avatar if u want, it works well


Well-Known Member
Cut him. Cut him deep.

But no seriously, you should stop taking his calls. Lock your door.

Next time Im in your area, I could always give him a scare of a lifetime.


Well-Known Member
The last person I'd want to know something as secret as a cannabis grow would be any of my Ex's. But since its too late for that just go get a restraining order- problem solved. Hope things work out for you. Be careful I know how volatile some relationships can get. Also if he comes to your house don't answer the door- call a friend immediately. He has no business harassing you.


Well-Known Member
If he can't get high off edibles, something is seriously wrong with that man. My best advice is IF he texts again tell him you've already made the butter, that it's all gone, and you're done with that part of your life. Then tell him to never harass you again and that if he does, you're gonna go right to the police and complete a sworn affidavit on him for said harassment.


Well-Known Member
99% of the time we create our own problems. if he is your ex, why does he know anything that is going on in your life? i just fail to understand here, but like i said before- ive dealt with a LOT of crazy in my life
Quite wise.. I've just returned from deep cover after a divorce that could have gotten extremely nasty, quite fast... is why I've been runnin' deep cover for 6 months-ish now. Trust no one, do not trust friends, family.. -NO ONE- needs to know of your grow, your location, or anything of that sort. If you decide to share any with them, I highly recommend you tell them you picked it up, and not that you're growing it in any fashion - it'll just paint a bullseye on your back, and could end up with the bird in the sky with people kicking your door down assuming you're not legal. (This assumes that your friends didn't already leak you grow it, and you got broken into by some random person you may never know, of have ever heard of.)


New Member
All this serious help is depressing.

Let's get real, we all know chicks only stay in contact with their ex's so that they can occasionally "fall back on". ;-)


Well-Known Member
All this serious help is depressing.

Let's get real, we all know chicks only stay in contact with their ex's so that they can occasionally "fall back on". ;-)
It could happen, yes.. but when potential headache/jailtime is involved depending on legality of grow - it's something that will eventually get weighed in the big picture and it's fish or cut bait time, no question.


Well-Known Member
It could happen, yes.. but when potential headache/jailtime is involved depending on legality of grow - it's something that will eventually get weighed in the big picture and it's fish or cut bait time, no question.
I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but you not only brought this on yourself, you begged the fates for it.


Well-Known Member
I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but you not only brought this on yourself, you begged the fates for it.

I didn't do it, was commenting on his mention of how women keep ex-bf in their lives as a 'just incase'. - good to see you again Minne!