Serious Question


Well-Known Member
How long does it take for an eighth to dry in a closet? I've had it drying for 3 days now, and the top cola seems a little dry, but im thinking the inside is still moist. But she seems like she has shrunken 30% or so.. that's what it looks like anyways.. heres a picture I took yesterday

Could I chop off the buds and put them in an air-tight container now? is it too soon?


Well-Known Member
You mean the whole stalk? I can slightly bend it, but it wont snap unless I applied a great amount of pressure.


Active Member
let it hang until the stem snaps pretty easy in your fingers, maybe a week or so. Then you still want to dry it out for about three weeks to get the most out of it. Best way is to get a mason jar, or can of some sort, and after you clipped all the buds off and trimmed everything keep it in the jar in a closet for a few weeks. Make sure to open the can for a few hours a day and move the buds around so they don't retain moisture.