Serious PH fluctuating can anyone help? Using a DWC/ bubble ponics system


Well-Known Member
I had that happen a few times to me in dwc. I ditched my el cheapo airstones, and started using a silica additive. It stablized the shit outa my system.


Well-Known Member
From what I've been reading high fluctuations in PH can be due to a number of different things. The size of the rez compared to the buckets you are filling has a lot to do with it, the larger the volume of water the stabler it will be. When a plant uses nutes out of the water the waste will make Ph rise (this also has to do with the amount of dissolved oxygen. If you are oxygenating the rez and it isn't recirculating the water in the buckets is becoming D.O. deprived and raising the PH. bacterial infection- brown slime in the buckets (can be caused by: light leaks into the buckets, high temps in the buckets and in the rez or both, low circulation and aeration more dissolved oxygen.)
If it isn't recirculating then the water sits for a week or more and then you change the system? Seems making it recirculating would be the first step into making a healthy environment. Adding frozen water bottles can be a solution to high rez temps although it can be tedious but is much cheaper than a chiller.
Also moving the rez out of you grow space (i.e. away from the lights) can help reduce bacteria as well as temps as it doesn't get the heat from the lamp.

On the subject of feedlines and drains, I use 1/2 in feed through ezclone spray heads (6 in an 8 gallon tote) with a 3/4 return and it is never backed up. I"ve started making debrie caps for the drains and feed by using a very short piece of pipe and the appropiate sized cap. I glue the short stub into the cap let it dry and then start drilling leaving you with a nice screened cap to keep large particles from cloggin the lines.


Active Member
This problem happens all the time with store bought hydro systems...
I dont know if its the way its moving water around is not letting it mix enough,
or maybe the material they use is affecting the water?

Your better making your own with plastic tubs and hose, you wont have ph fluctuations...
its cheaper and custom to your needs and you wont get these issues

Just keep flushing ph adjusted water through the entire system, or take it back to the store and build your own


Well-Known Member
i just got the ebb and grow system a little over a week ago and the first tank of solution was crazy the ph was everywhere now on the second one and the ph has stabilized allot dont know why it was that way but after running it for a week it calmed down.


Active Member
yeah cause after a few runs the impurities that leak out of the plastic are gone, flush it plenty and they come good

maybe they are designed for plants that grow at a higher ph, and like a grow medium, need to be washed thru with ph adjusted water a few times to stablize them

your a sucker to pay the extra dollars for pre built hydro system tho... just to have to sort out these issues anyway that you wouldnt get if you had built your own from scratch for much cheaper..


would you please list all the nutes and extras like the Magic that you use with a small explan- of how much you start with.
See I 2 have the same prob- as Wonin and I think that would make my life alot Easyerrrr. LOL
Cuz so far its been alot of Work! lol


Well-Known Member
yeah cause after a few runs the impurities that leak out of the plastic are gone, flush it plenty and they come good

maybe they are designed for plants that grow at a higher ph, and like a grow medium, need to be washed thru with ph adjusted water a few times to stablize them

your a sucker to pay the extra dollars for pre built hydro system tho... just to have to sort out these issues anyway that you wouldnt get if you had built your own from scratch for much cheaper..
sucker? lol i dont know about that, i wasnt suckered into buying anything. i have built plenty and plenty of hydroponic systems in my day and am a big diy guy myself, but it wasnt hell god expensive or anything like that and i literally spent 10 min setting it up (no leaks no probs besides the ph) so in my opinion (working 50+ hours a week and all lol) it was worth not having to go shopping for all the shit and of course put it together.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you have to rinse the hydotron like 8 million times. That could be a source of your discoloration it will even stain the roots. When the pellets are dry and rub agianst one another they make a fine powder that seems almost impossible to get rid of. When I first set up my system and did a dry run I caked everything with red powder that was a pain to scrub off everything. Lesson learned even if the material has been sitting for a short while since you rinsed it ReRINSE :) Cleaned up the system ran water across the hydrotron a few times and replaced no more clay residue...


Well-Known Member
may as well grow in the filthy dirt with the rest of the school kids...
school kid. lol your a funny little shit talker where is your grow journals? where is your started threads? all i could find on you was a single thread started asking directions to the NEWBIE section hahaha i really hope your sense of direction is worse then your growing capabilities. im going to tell you where the NEWBIE sec is ok first off go to the top of any page and hit the forum button then just read (if you can) where it says newbie central and your there. now why dont you mosy on over there and stay the hell outta here. truth is i have never grown in dirt and never plan on it but im sure your just highly intimidated by these "school kids" dirt grows which is the only reason i can figure you would even let a comment like that slip so i feel sorry for you.


Active Member
yeah I didnt read all that...
Im not getting into a my grow is better than your grow argument with some try hard on the net...
next we check whos dick is bigger

did you say you tried e-stalking me to dig for dirt to use against me? got life?


no room for dirt here.
thats one serious fuckn setup n gr8 light for them plants like it wat weight u cropping out there??

My ph has now been stabilised from what everyone is telling me it seems that for the 1st week newly bought hydro systems (which mine is) all have a ph swing must b chemicals comming off the system but usually sorts out after a week like mine has, some people take a few cups from a previous used resevoir n do a couple of test runs and flushes n can prevent ph swing.


From what I've been reading high fluctuations in PH can be due to a number of different things. The size of the rez compared to the buckets you are filling has a lot to do with it, the larger the volume of water the stabler it will be. When a plant uses nutes out of the water the waste will make Ph rise (this also has to do with the amount of dissolved oxygen. If you are oxygenating the rez and it isn't recirculating the water in the buckets is becoming D.O. deprived and raising the PH. bacterial infection- brown slime in the buckets (can be caused by: light leaks into the buckets, high temps in the buckets and in the rez or both, low circulation and aeration more dissolved oxygen.)
If it isn't recirculating then the water sits for a week or more and then you change the system? Seems making it recirculating would be the first step into making a healthy environment. Adding frozen water bottles can be a solution to high rez temps although it can be tedious but is much cheaper than a chiller.
Also moving the rez out of you grow space (i.e. away from the lights) can help reduce bacteria as well as temps as it doesn't get the heat from the lamp.

On the subject of feedlines and drains, I use 1/2 in feed through ezclone spray heads (6 in an 8 gallon tote) with a 3/4 return and it is never backed up. I"ve started making debrie caps for the drains and feed by using a very short piece of pipe and the appropiate sized cap. I glue the short stub into the cap let it dry and then start drilling leaving you with a nice screened cap to keep large particles from cloggin the lines.
yeah def gna make it into recirculating just gna hav to buy smaller pump and smaller than 13mm fittings for the feed pipe to prevent overflow. im using a massive res anyway but ph has stablised and nutes r all gud but leaves r gettin worse gna get cal mag n hope that makes them better will upload a few pics of leaves c if any1 has a clue


heres a pic of my leaves, sorted out ph and butes problems 4 days ago but leaves getin worse, from wat i can see they are def showing signs of nute burn n ph fluctuating defficiencies n maybe a bit of calcium but have never seen the holes before.
Quality isnt gr8 but some of the leaves r curling in at edges n look like something is eating at them not sure??? :roll:

Ive had problems with thrips n magnesium defficency it def aint that duno wat it is thought ph being steady at 5.9 and nutes at 0.6-0.7 would sort leaves out but they r getting worse any1 with any idea wud b gr8 help :dunce:

plants r about 4-5weeks into veg luks mayb like heat stress but room temp never over 25degreesC, 2mx2mx2m room



Well-Known Member
yeah I didnt read all that...
Im not getting into a my grow is better than your grow argument with some try hard on the net...
next we check whos dick is bigger

did you say you tried e-stalking me to dig for dirt to use against me? got life?
e-stalking hahaha your funny man I simply checked your profile for started threads By YOU like a journal anything really to check out your grow to see your BAD ASS diy setups you preeching about. It's called your profile on this site anyone is free to check the info and many do.


Well-Known Member
Check my sig for my systems and let me know if they 'measure up'. *laughs*

Taken pride in my designs :)