Serenity Now


Well-Known Member
My friend told about some legal herb called serenity now, I figured it wouldn't work. We smoked 2 or 3 bowls and I was stoned. It is some gnarly stuff, I recommend trying it. I do not even know how to describe the high.


Well-Known Member
I am wary of those legal herb highs, asthey are not regulated by the FDA so they can have toxic substances in them by route of growth or other environmental factors and are not compelled to do the proper research and analysis to determine the actual effects on people. Though likely not harmful, I would rather not take the chance, my brain is my most cherished prize.

I have heard they are great though.


Well-Known Member
I've tried smoking many different strains of the legal herb, never got toned. got a killer headache though, if that counts


Well-Known Member
I figured I'd just get a headache but I just got stoned..... the ingredients sound like they are from harry potter.


Well-Known Member
No. I am saying their are drugs out their approved by the FDA to treate a disease but in reality gives you much worse then that disease alone.