Sen. Elizabeth Warren aka Fauxakhauntas Unfriends Hillary on Twitter - Shit is Getting Real


Well-Known Member
yes you did explain the math on how you as a home inspector could make 288,000 which would make you the highest paid home inspector EVER...unfortunately the real world says the most you might make would be about 60,000.
Just one of my laundromats pulls that ( I have two plus a cleaners), but you do make more a year than my pension from the USAF, that only comes to about 42,500. I have not touch my pension pay in about 5 years going on 6.
Now lets compare costs.... ROFLMAO!!!


Well-Known Member
I showed you the math. Do you dispute something about it? The comments about making less than $35.00 per hour was when I decided to become an EMPLOYEE and work for a company. That worked out for about a year and a half. Then I started my own company.. Try to keep up!! Now working for myself and with a computer program I wrote my income is > $50/hr.

BTW, I can hire people to do inspections just as you have multiple laundramats. So, the 288K is not the top end, it is just the top end that would be physically possible for me. I would hire people long before I reached that limit. I figure my capability is more in the range of $150K per year before I need to expand.
you better do some research on the highest paid home inspector. You about to make fucking history. Out of curiosity what language did you use to write you computer program ?


Well-Known Member
you better do some research on the highest paid home inspector. You about to make fucking history. Out of curiosity what language did you use to write you computer program ?
You may want to look at home inspection owners and not employees when trying to have this discussion.


Well-Known Member
it included self employed DUDE
I am not going to argue with you about it anymore. It doesnt change reality. I have inspections booked for the whole week and might have to juggle a few more in the schedule.

Your google search does not equate to my reality.


Well-Known Member
Of course they do. And all your employees are leprechauns that work for free....

Reality is a bitch...
I suggest you look into how much a laundromats and dry cleaners can make, you seem somewhat ignorant to this. I also was able to take advantage of getting solar panels installed that covers most of my water heater cost. Smart shit like that puts more profits in my pocket. Thanks Obama


Well-Known Member
I am not going to argue with you about it anymore. It doesnt change reality. I have inspections booked for the whole week and might have to juggle a few more in the schedule.

Your google search does not equate to my reality.
Hey guy, I'm just saying you should have some pride in the fact that you are the highest paid Home inspector in the USA. 288,000 a year. Hell I'm in the wrong business. :roll: You getting more than a Judge and ER Physician


Well-Known Member
I suggest you look into how much a laundromats and dry cleaners can make, you seem somewhat ignorant to this. I also was able to take advantage of getting solar panels installed that covers most of my water heater cost. Smart shit like that puts more profits in my pocket. Thanks Obama
Fucking over your employees puts more profits in your pockets as well... NICE JOB!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am not going to argue with you about it anymore. It doesnt change reality. I have inspections booked for the whole week and might have to juggle a few more in the schedule.

Your google search does not equate to my reality.

Hell now I want to sell my businesses and become a Home Inspector. If I do 60 homes a month charging 400 dollars, I will make 288,000 a year . Just like @NLXSK1 and if I can find a way to squeeze in just one more inspection a day I could clear an even 300,000.

Show us tax returns, otherwise we won't believe you:-(