selling hash?


Well-Known Member
Hypotheticly, if i had a good amount of bubble hash how much would a fair price be for a quarter pound? It would be to a distributer and not straight to a dealer. any help would be much appriciated.


Well-Known Member
I've seen an ounce of hash go on the street for around 1K. A distributor would pay between 25-33% of that(dealer, 50%+), so I would say a QP would go for 1-1.5K. Just an educated guess, though.

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
a grand for an ounce.. ok?
in the uk round here i get it for like 30 quid an ounce- about 250 for a 9 bar


Well-Known Member
and thats the difference between the uk and the
i actually never even heard of an ounce of has for sale but hash has always been a rare thing for our area in that amounts. hence im on a grow
but also it is a grow site not a sell site.if you aint got the basics of prices at the very least in your head then dont do it man. it takes some shit to sell drugs specially to some shady ass people.just throwing a warning out there you may be awesome at selling.but its like 2 different categories just becasue you grow dont mean you can sell.
not trying to be an ass just saying man


Well-Known Member
I have a good friend that sells great weed to a compassion club and he gets $1,800 per pound... You would have to consider two factors... 1) how much weed did you use..... 2) are you selling to be dealt, or for compassion club.. and how good is it.... ...all in all a nice dilemma to be in..........

For me at this time if it came down to getting popped I'd rather it be for helping sick peeps as opposed to a dealers $$$$ situation.. thats just me..


I have a good friend that sells great weed to a compassion club and he gets $1,800 per pound... You would have to consider two factors... 1) how much weed did you use..... 2) are you selling to be dealt, or for compassion club.. and how good is it.... ...all in all a nice dilemma to be in..........

For me at this time if it came down to getting popped I'd rather it be for helping sick peeps as opposed to a dealers $$$$ situation.. thats just me..
He didn't ask about weed prices. $1800 USD per pound for weed? That would be giving it away here. I like helping people, but there is nothing wrong with making money for a fair price, say $3k-3.5k per pound at least.