Seedy pot myth?


Well-Known Member
My friend thinks that pot with seeds in it weighs more than pot without seeds in it. So he thinks that people grow pot with seeds in it because they can make more money.

I think he is an idiot.

I think that seeded pot is mostly grown outdoors or in huge grows where it would be impossible to get all of the males removed, not to have it weigh more. In fact, I would think that sensimelia (sp) would actually be heavier in bud weight because the plant spends more time working on the buds rather than wasting time and energy on seed production.

So, has anyone done a side by side test to see how much dried bud weighs when seeded and not seeded? Let me know what you think...

Brick Top

New Member
There may be some growers who will intentionally grow seedy pot for the reason your friend believes but I would say that is likely rare. Based on my personal experiences with purchased sensimilla over the years if anything some growers will try to retain as much moisture as they can without assuring that mold would result to try to keep the weight up slightly.

In most cases, now as in the past, the large commercial growers are responsible for most of the seedy pot sold and their operations are ones that are just to large to attempt to grow sensimilla.



bud bootlegger
i agree with you and not your friend.. even if seeded weed weighs more, unseeded is going to comand a higher price just because its sensi, and not some schwag crap that is full of seeds.. and i also think that most seeded crops come from outdoors or just huge gardens where males slip through and end up seeding the whole crop..