Seeds Question


Well-Known Member
So, i put my seeds each in shot glasses with a tiny amount of water in them, then covered them and put them on top of my receiver. I noticed this morning that each one of them has popped, but the white tail is just barely showing. When should i move them into rockwool?


Well-Known Member
lmao im only on my second grow germinating this time never germinated my first time and plants turned out fine. I would plant those if they broke just make sure taproot is facing downwards. srry little stoned right now haha


Well-Known Member
Thank you both for the feedback. So, as i understand it, the taproot is the first thing that grows out of the seed? So, in other words, i want to point that bad boy downward when i put them in rockwool?


Well-Known Member
yea, point em down. you musta hit wrong button gave me bad well....peace
Weird, i didn't know you could give "bad" rep? When i click on the "give rep" button, it only lets me add rep, which to me would mean it's a positive thing...maybe i'm wrong? Infact, i don't actually see an option to give bad rep. Hmmm...


Well-Known Member
Lol i lost my rep but yeah your advice was better I have a mini seed starter dome with heat mat so that helps me out alot