Seeds and plant


Well-Known Member
thank you this is the best website ever i been to others and i havent had as much support as i am getting from rollitup thank you all for being so kind and yea sure i will gladly take a look at your plants thing is i have big money problems not always but for me to get things it takes a while i have rent and right now im not working for another 2 months long story and i need a new car and have tickets to pay and also a baby on the way :) but other then that i do have a lot of questions i been up for the past week reading everything about growing i just like to hear from other growers there experiences other than that i think im doing well with my babies they look very healthy so far


Well-Known Member
Sure No problem! And congrats on the baby coming. I have two kids and been married 13 years , so I know how it is . But hey think of it this way, going through things and pushing on in life , builds character! just hit my link that says four starains and that is the grow I am on now



Well-Known Member
NICE! i like what i see lol your plants look just like mine are doing so im guessing mine are healthy :) also i have a question one of them has a red/purple stem any ideas whats going on there i got the seeds from a bag and thanks for the congrats im trying to build atleast a growbox cause i cant have them showing since i live in one of my moms apartments she lives right next door she likes to look around my place when she comes to visit lol if she sees that i dont kno what her reaction will be lol but it prob wont be too bad she will just prob make me pay electric bill :( lol but what can i say i cant afford my own house or a different apartment what can i say i got the hook up cause she owns it lol man o man i havent smoked in about 5 days :S lol no money and its dryyyyyyyyy !!!


Well-Known Member
man I feel for you bro..............I just tried to upload some new pics but I am having troubles, sorry. But yeah just be patient and stick in there and we will get you going. From what I know the color of your stem is ok for now it will change.


Well-Known Member
ok thats good i was just wondering if the color meant it was going to be some real good a** bud lmao also do you have any set ups or plans for grow box i wanted to try hydro but it looks kinda complicated and i dont know soil planting looks more natural not that im hating on hydro hehe...


Well-Known Member
hmmm no I dont I have a grow room, but there are some here who do, and you can check FAQ's section.


Well-Known Member
I have but some of those plans dont go into to much detail if you get what i mean i have some ideas i just have to put them to work which im still working on it lol

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Ok All you Weed growing Gods. I can not believe that not one of you has said anything about his soil.. LOOK CLOSE at his pictures. The soil he has will most likely kill his plants soon. Well in my opinion, anyway.