Seedman Seeds

Never Known

Active Member
Hey guys

I’ve got some credit left on seedman and was wondering if anyone could recommend some Cali seeds which are big yielders but easier to grow?

or any personal recommendations

Hawg Wild

Well-Known Member
Seedsman doesn't really have a great selection of "Cali" genetics, not legitimate anyway. If that's what you're after, probably the ones on there that I'd look at would be Mamiko Seeds' stuff.

Hawg Wild

Well-Known Member
I guess they do have Bodhi and Archive if they're in stock, but they're more expensive there than most everywhere else. And DVG (Dungeon's Vault) is supposed to have some good stuff but I've never seen any firsthand.

Never Known

Active Member
Yeah seems a lot of mamiko is sold out I’ll keep looking for something nice and I’ll check the ones which you sent me. Hopefully not too expensive

Hawg Wild

Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, if you don't find anything you're after in stock, I have enjoyed everything from Mandala Seeds that I have ever run or that friends have. They're not as well known but they are good at what they do, which is breed stable landrace hybrids with unique flavors and medicinal effects.