seedlings not growing

weed monkey

Active Member
hey all
i put 5 seeds in the dirt and they all popped open and came up within a few day or so but since then its been about a week and none of them seem to be growing at all WTF. I 've grown the same way before and the plants grew normal. I used tap water and a 600w HPS about 15 inches above them. I did fanagle them a little more when they were just starting out ie. taking the shell off to expose the leaves, moving them around in the dirt ect.. but i always do that kind of thing. Im hopingI just stressed them a little and now they need some time to recover, what do you think...:hug:


Active Member
in this case i would say that you have a problem with your soil or medium,just going by the info u gave,good luck

weed monkey

Active Member
the soil was used from my last grow and had fert's in it. but it is very good soil and i thuroughly flushed it before use...hmmp though I've never used, used soil before, so u may have hit the nail on the head ....... the seeds are jackberry/bluechronic to damb it!
oh also the seedlings dont look exeptionaly green or nute burned, they look normal.....