Seedlings health checkup?!? wtf is this...


Well-Known Member
So i start a batch a week ago and everything is going great. All sprout and grow healthily. However, i didn't watered them once until today so that's around 7-8 consecetive days without watering. I didn't water because i didn't see the need coz the soil looked moist enough. There are a couple of seedlings with crisp leaves, the kind that look healthy. However, a couple of seedlings have leaves with edges curling down. It could be nothing but just thought i'd ask and get an opinion. Is it a probleM?


Well-Known Member
Got pictures?
thanx for replying. It's allright now but i got another problem. I just bought an air-cooled 600W grolux lighting setup and wow... lots of frikking light but lots of heat as well :( IDK what to do. I got the exhaust pumpin air at the window which is open and it's a 6" as well. so idk what further i can do... any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
will do, i'll look in tomorrow if i miss it drop me a pm n remind me
Here's my setup. The air is taken out from the top of the grow box and the box has the fan inside. I had to do that little set up because it was too noisy and that takes out a little bit of the noise. Then i got the air cooled light system and the air is vented to the window which is open.



New Member
have you got the extractor blowing air across the bulb or sucking air across the bulb?


Well-Known Member
Firstly i jst wana say that i'm not saying you are wrong but can you explain how that will affect the situation and improve it. Also, the only problem is that when i hang it, it starts vibrating because i only have strings (i know that's lame but it's all i got). I need to know a way to hand the fan and keep it steady. I'm using a grow tent so i can't really drill it to a wall which is something i wish i could do :(


New Member
id put a sheet of black n white over the window cut a hole for your ducting and put it through so its blowin straight out the window. your room temps are probably too high with the heat coming back into it (properly sealing and ducting your air outside will probably sort it) if not you either need to drop the room temps with an air conditioner or use an active intake as well


Well-Known Member
thanx man for the help. one question. How can i eliminate the light that comes from within the ducting coz when i look at it, there's some light


Well-Known Member
I would pull through the light, not push. Also, I would remove the intake duct and just have the cooltube open on that side. Furthermore, is there a passive air intake into the grow box?

Good luck mate!



Well-Known Member
there is no intake. if i pull air, wudnt that overheat the fan?
Ok mate, you can only blow out off the room what you are sucking in! You absolutley need either a Passive intake (just a hole , size depends on your exhaust fan) or an active intake (I have one of those, basically just a intake fan rated at slightly less cfm then the exhaust fan)
The fan runs high load when you restrict the amount of air it can suck.
I have to go, Electrician wants to shut down for a panel change :( Will be back later;)


Well-Known Member
I'm willing to help you along here if you draw me a little schematic of your grow space i.e. fans, light dimensions, ambient environment (temps in the room you are taking air from) etc.



Well-Known Member
I'm willing to help you along here if you draw me a little schematic of your grow space i.e. fans, light dimensions, ambient environment (temps in the room you are taking air from) etc.

thanx a lot dude. When u talked about the intake idea, it made me think that the air my fan is pulling in is from inside the growroom which is hot anyway. I put the ducting outisde the growroom and its cooler than be4. I also took it out the box and put it almost next to the cooltube like that other guy said and that helped as well. thanx tho for offerin the help matey. safe