seedling with nitrogen deficiency


ive done some research and it appears that my little seedling with yellowing leaves on bottom and stunted growth has a nitrogen deficiency. i have fertilizer but my problem is the plants are only a week and a half old and only sprouted a week ago. they are in ocean forest soil and i have the fox farm trio. should i go ahead and hit it with some grow big or should i wait another week or 2?


Well-Known Member
Your plants DO NOT have a nitrogen deficiency!!! Seedlings don't need food for at least a week and a half ffrom when they sprout. They get their food from the cotyledons (which are supposed to yellow and fall off as they get used up).

If they are in Fox Farms soil and you transplant into fresh soil as the roots fill up your container, they won't need food for quite some time (3-4 weeks at least).

Without seeing a picture, I would guess you are either overwatering, or that soil is too hot for your babies.

Feed them now and they WILL die. Simple as that.


okay i just called the hydro store and they have the guano in stock. i took a couple pics kinda hard to see took it with an ipod..

one of my other 3 normal seedlings:


and the one with the suspected deficiency:


the first thing i noticed was the obvious development issues, then the tips of the bottom leaves started turning yellow today.


i planted them straight into the final pots (i know ive been told that wasnt ago idea)


Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong with that seedling. The "leaves" you say are yellowing are called cotyledons, or "seed leaves". They are SUPPOSED to yellow and die off, because they are feeding your plant.

I'm telling you man, feed that plant now and it will die. End of story.
Your plants look fine actually. If they have dark stems and droopy leaves they may be overwatered, the soil looks wet in the picture. You should let The top couple of inches dry up before watering again. The bottom leaves are cotyledons, and dont quote me on this but i believe that they do not photosynthesize. After the plant has used up what nutrients are left in the cotyledns they will eventually fall off. Do not worry, the plants are very young and are adjust to the enviroment there are in. Just remember to not overwater and dont fert until your in about week 3-4,the fox farms is more than enough for the little ladies for now


im not going to fertilize but the main thing that was throwing up red flags was that it looks a good bit smaller than the others and it actually sprouted first


Well-Known Member
Each seed has slightly different genetics, even if it came from the same mother plant. Same goes for humans and every other species on earth. I'm taller than my brother even though he's older than me.

Just relax, your seedlings look happy to me. :)

EDIT: Keep in mind that plants of different sizes (regardless of age) eat and drink at different rates. If you treat all your plants the same despite differences in size and vigor (growth rate), you will run into problems.


i feel ya just tryna stay on top of these things.. id hate to lose one just because i was too lazy to post it up. on a side note, some of them are naturally growing crooked, is this because i didnt put them in cups to have the light directly above them? either way when should i start thinking about tying them to bamboo stakes?

thanks for the input everyone
Remember, the cold can stunt there growth.I dont know the temperature it is where your plants are; but if its not warm enough try putting a low wattage heat lamp on em; i have a 75w heat lamp being shared by three sproutlings, and they love it! Ofcourse, the temperature around here is starting to get pretty cold. This will also help if you have overwatered your plants. If its warm enough where they are dont bother- you dont want heat stress. Temps between 70-80F should keep them happy.

Also, if you dont already have one, get a fan blowing on em, it will strengthen the stem and roots.


Well-Known Member
No worries, man! We've all been there.

As far as the crookedness, I wouldn't worry much about that either. They will grow toward the light, wherever it is, so try to get them centered under it. You can also rotate them a quarter turn or so each day to keep them even. It's also VERY important to have a fan pointed at them so that they are gently shaking in the breeze. This causes the trunks to strengthen up. If you bamboo stake them this early, the trunks will not develop as well, because they will not need to support themselves. Swaying in the breeze is good.

Good luck!


thanks i knew i had to go get a fan i just hadnt got on it yet, i was thinking getting 2 going from opposite sides and seeing how that works out

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
yep your plant looks good and healthy! just remember less is more! and dont over care for your plant you are using good soil and good food just give it time dont get impatient and she will give you nicce flowers very rarely do i hear of plants dying due to lack of the growing doing something but i hear lots of things about plants dying due to growing over caring or trying to power grow their plant just watch and read what it wants it will tell you. good luck man.