seedling inside


Well-Known Member

okay, info

its Ebb & flow 2x2 table

PPM is 215 which, i think, equals 1/4 of the lucas formula

i'm using flora bloom and micro

ph has never been above 6.2 or below 5.7 (doesnt fluctuate much at all)

no algae or anything like that

i do only have one 3 watt (2 stones) air pump running in my 7 gallon reservoir, but i DO have an extra 160gph pump aimed straight up circulating the heck out of the water, thought that may be a possibility

I'm only flooding 3x a day, i was doing once a day because the roots werent out of the rockwool, but sense they hang a little bit now i flood 3x a day JUST below the rockwool (1/2 inch or so below rockwool)


Well-Known Member
what is that metallic surface? please don't say aluminium foil! I'd sooner use a plastic bag taped down at the sides.


Well-Known Member
lol it is, aluminum foil...i dont have any panda film and i dont want algae... its probably overkill but my last grow was eat up with algae so i went overboard


Well-Known Member
why are they yellowing? folded under?

im hoping it had something to do with the way i mixed my nutes,

i read something somewhere saying if you mixed diff nutes in a small container it could cause them to bond and the plants not be able to absorb them

6 seedlings all went from a deep green (prior to going into the system) then started fading yellow

i did a res flush yesterday and added the nutes straight to the res...but dont know if thats what it was or not, growth is stunted as well--they haven't done much in 4-5 days


Well-Known Member
I think you might be over watering.

A seedling, or plant of that size shouldn't need watering so frequently. The droopy leaf curl is synonymous with over watering.

That dark coloured stalk, as well as the yellowing leaves, indicate a nutrient transportation issue. At first I thought the metallic surface was the issue, it still might be. Toxins could be being leached into the grow medium, nutrients or just from touching the plant/stalk.

I think your PPM/EC is ok.

What is the PPM of your tap water?


Well-Known Member
30ppm from tap

the aluminum foil is never wet or moist

nutrient transportation? whats that about?


Well-Known Member
Nutrients offer an abundance of elements in the right proportions for your plant and the right stages of their development, hence the reason for 'grow' nutrients and 'bloom' nutrients. If there is an over abundance of lack of certain elements within the nutrient solution, this can affect the absorption rate of other elements - a 'knock-on' effect if you will. This is known as 'lock-out' which is a nutrient transportation problem.

I'm just not so sure about using metallic surfaces because of their potential to introduce foreign elements and compounds that might affect nutrient transportation.

I think the main issue here is over watering .. Your rockwool shouldn't be waterlogged and also shouldn't dry out. A plant that size isn't likely to dry out a 3" rockwool cube in a day; I'd recommend backing off watering to once a day .. The fact you are not seeing any top growth at the moment (past 4 or 5 days) does not mean the plant has become dormant .. There could be substantial root development going on as the plant diverts it's energy to prepare itself for the next phase of it's vertical growth.


Well-Known Member
sounds good, what stood out to me was the discoloring of the leaves, everything yellowing and a few of them have red speckles, i thought with the leaves going yellow it was a N deficiency

hopefully they perk up after the flush and cut down on watering time


Well-Known Member
looks like over watering or could be the plant is hungry the lower leaves are turning yellow which could mean the plant is sucking up nitrogen from the lower leaves. try adding nutes 1/4 strength