seedling problems


Well-Known Member
Hey folks in evergreen land,

So i got these 2 germinated seeds in seedling potting soil for the past 11 days. Same soil for both, same water for both, same light. But 1 seems to be healthy while the other looks sick. I am using

1. Miacle grow seed starting potting mix. The lightest soil i could get here in terms of nutes. 0.3-0.3-0.3
2 Bottled water - pH 6.5 and TDS 110 ppm
3. Watering every 2 days. Its just enough water till i see it drain out of the small pots.
4. temp is between 24-26 c

I had planted these 2 seeds on the 13th sept so 11 days today. Although the seeds did take 2 days to germinate using the paper towel method.

Some more details i observed.
1. both plants had a purplish stem and well as some purple on the underleaf.
2. the problem plant has been real slow since day 1
3. The problem plant soil is always drier than the other one as if she drinks up more than the other.
4. both get watered at the same time everytime and the problem one dries up faster.

So any idea whats up?

I also want to transplant both into bigger pots.So transplanting is done when the soil is wet or when its dry?

Pics below

Taken on the 20th sept
IMG_7761.JPG IMG_7762.JPG IMG_7763.JPG IMG_7764.JPG

Plant with a problem ( notice the dry soil )

Taken today 24th sept

IMG_7793.JPG IMG_7794.JPG

Again plant with a problem ( pics of under the leaf ) kinda purple.
IMG_7795.JPG IMG_7796.JPG

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Hey mike,

The smaller one really does look sickly. Maybe the pics dont show it proper i guess. even the leaf feels hard and curled downwards.


Well-Known Member
yes i can see it. it will flatten out. chill, smoke a fat one and let them be. don't look for something thats not there.


Well-Known Member
I think your fine don't water them the same. you should let the healthy one get dry like to other one. Let them grow a little bigger before you transplant because all that stem under the sprout leaf will be future root mass.