Seedling Issue


Well-Known Member
First off thank u riu for all the valuable information posted in these forums.They are an invaluable research tool,all one has to do is research. So i have a retarded seedling right now and im not sure how to proceed. the seedling popped out of the soil yesterday and by the end of the day had stood up,however only one side of the cotyleden opened up like normal.the other side is still folded over and is blocking the first set of leaves from opening up completely.have tried to help very gently folding the cotyledon to the open position but she just closes right up again.Have also tried spraying it with water to help,to no avail.this morning no change in the cotyledon leaf,but the first two have opened and seem to be fine... my question is what should i do,cut the cotyledon thats retarded,or leave it alone and hope.BTW this is the last seed of this strain and id really hate to loose her.TIA



Well-Known Member
well guys i appreciate the advice,my thoughts were that she would grow out of it,but its always best a second opinion when dealing with abnormal behavior.preciate it
