Seedling issue I've never seen


Active Member
I have a few seedlings of various strains and a few of them started out really healthy and now are yellowing from the inside to the outer tips. Some are doing it some aren't. They are about 1 1/2 weeks since the seeds cracked open, planted in pro mix hp and given only distilled water with a 1/4 strength karma and great white. Ph is 5.9 and ppm is 100. Any thoughts on what may be causing this. I should also add the seeds are about 5 years old ranging from pineapple express g13 labs, Nirvana Northern lights and a Mk Ultra/bubble gum(both THseeds genes) cross I was working on 2 years ago. I had to shut down for about 18 months due to a break up and location troubles so I'm a little rusty. any advise would be helpful. I was thinking it might be slightly over watered since the soil isn't drying up as fast but I olny give them 10ml every 3 days.



Active Member
No I've never gotten a note in any of the times I've ordered seeds. Only reason I even gave them any food is because the distilled water has a 0 ppm according to my truncheon and the mix I am using only has mycorrhizae and doesn't have any NPK value. Good news is when I checked on them this morning the yellowing ones were starting to green up a bit


Well-Known Member
I have a few seedlings of various strains and a few of them started out really healthy and now are yellowing from the inside to the outer tips. Some are doing it some aren't. They are about 1 1/2 weeks since the seeds cracked open, planted in pro mix hp and given only distilled water with a 1/4 strength karma and great white. Ph is 5.9 and ppm is 100. Any thoughts on what may be causing this. I should also add the seeds are about 5 years old ranging from pineapple express g13 labs, Nirvana Northern lights and a Mk Ultra/bubble gum(both THseeds genes) cross I was working on 2 years ago. I had to shut down for about 18 months due to a break up and location troubles so I'm a little rusty. any advise would be helpful. I was thinking it might be slightly over watered since the soil isn't drying up as fast but I olny give them 10ml every 3 days.
could it be a overwatering issue? try laying off the love for a few days and allowing them to dry out a bit. as seedlings they don't drink much at all so you shouldn't even have to water for weeks to a time if your temps are in the 70's. if they are higher watering may become more frequent but still at this stage no more than once weekly if that.


Active Member
My temp is 76 but my house is really dry average humidity is 20% in the house and the highest I've been able to get it was about 40 in the veg room without bringing in a humidifier. I tried placing them in my clone dome but they didn't seem to like that (started weakening the stems so I took it off and they stood back up, I haven't touched them in 2 days and they seem to be bouncing back a bit. Probably just gonna check temps and Ph, not do anything with them for a while as far as feeding or watering. see if they bounce back fully. Thanks for the input guys, like I said I'm rusty being 18 months out of the game. Its like I'm relearning everything all over again lol


Active Member
Well I figured out what my problem was but unfortunately too late. the seedlings I was working with died. My PH pen was way off. I bought a cheap one for aquariums and my readings were substantially different. 1.7 actually so when I did a run off check of my soil I learned I had a soil ph of 4.2. I calibrated the blue lab and now its reading accurately. I cracked what I had left of my northern lights( still waiting for them to come out of the soil) and 2 random seeds i found in a little bag and they are thriving. I wanted to show what patience does in the other picture. That clone of a barney's critical kush was taken mid july by a friend of mine. I was taken 4 1/2 weeks into flowering. you should be able to see the trichomes on the larger leaves. I never thought this thing would ever revert back to veg till about a week ago I noticed a little green leaf in the lower node. It took a while but now has two small shoots coming off. hopefully the 13 weeks of waiting for this thing to come out of shock will be worth it and the plants potency hasn't been compromised.

