seedling has stopped growing


My seedling grew it's cotyledon over a week ago but since then it has stopped growing.Is it better to let it reciver in the dark or with the lights on and is there any chance of it recovering or should i start again? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Without a picture it is hard to help much but I can tell you that I have a Sleestack x Skunk that has been stunted for weeks. It was a freebee and I thought it would die(seemed it was water logged), I didn't water it for a week and a half then just sprayed it for a couple days after that. it is coming back slowly starting to show new growth but it is still the size of a 5 day old seedling at almost a month old.

The best advice I can give is don't mess with it too much, let it dry out some then give it a very light watering or a consistent misting. If it doesn't come back it wasn't meant to be, start with a new bean...