Seed pods? huh?

Mikey Hustle

Well-Known Member
Exactly. I'm about to post something that I'm not sure if I can explain correctly.

I just helped my buddy trim a crop of Grape punch. They looked nice, and very hard buds too. But as I trimmed, I noticed the buds had little seed pod style things on them.

And inside it seemed to be a very very immature seed. Is that a seed?

I know its probably hard to understand what I'm asking.. But I'm sure someone will get what Im saying..

Here are some pics of similar bud. I cant find pics of Grape Punch on the net. (cant find my camera)



Active Member
no its not hard to understand at all... you had small bananas push a small amount of pollen resulting in some seeds. it happens all the time from what i hear.

Mikey Hustle

Well-Known Member

They were SEEDS!! 1/2 the plants had these little seeds... And 1/2 didnt. My buddy bought 10 clones from Harborside, then went back a week later to buy 10 more. The 2nd purchase were bad clones.

He went back to Harborside today, and they told him they couldnt do anything. They no longer guerentee their clones.. But the kicker is that they ADMITTED that the BOG seeds strains have been giving A LOT of their customers the same issue.. So they no loner carry BOG clones.

But even though they were well aware of the issue... They refused to take any type of action to fix the problem.
