seed germination problem


Active Member
I'm currently trying to germinate white widow seeds, I have used 5 out of my 12 seeds, first I tried the towel method, after 3 days I switched to a cup of water, 2 days later I got impatient and tried to crack the seed, but I ended up crushing it. Then I got 2 more seeds that went straight into the cup of water. It's been 6 days and no root. What did I do wrong? The seeds look viable, brownish green but it's not progressing as fast as I expected


Active Member
Calm down... these things take time. even if u dint crush the seed they would not ahve surived anyway... they need time to make there proteins in the shell like amylase... n start breaking down there stores in the seed so they can sprout..

1. wet a paper towel in a plate, put seeds in.
2. cover with anoter plate.
3. put in a warm place.
4. Check on them by all means but NOT all the time 2ice a day is good.

dont make the paper towel to wet. and DONT touch the seeds unless planting.... you will kill them. Remeber it needs to be warm!! but not hot

They can take from 2 days to like 5 days. you probly killed them when you got impatient and moved them the 1st time.

Sorry about the rant, just do tht and all will be fine.

And welcome to the forum