seed germinated need help.

put a seed to germinate 2 days ago today it poped a root, my questions are what kinda soil should i put the seed in? how far should i plant the seed in the medium? i plan on using cfl's how many do i need to start the seed off? how close to the soil does the lights need to be? and how many hours does light need to be on the seed? all help is welcomed. also any info about seedlings growing?


Well-Known Member
Im amazed that someone will crack a bean & have no clue. But I guess you have to start somewhere.


Active Member
I put my seeds in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil, and they seems to be going well. I poked a hole in the soil about 3/4-1in seep and planted the root facing down and sprinkled some more soil over the hole. My lights (I'm using T8s since I have the space)were about 6-8in above my plants and I'm doing a cycle of lights on for 18 hours and off for 6, but that's what I felt was best for the type of seeds I'm growing.
I put my seeds in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil, and they seems to be going well. I poked a hole in the soil about 3/4-1in seep and planted the root facing down and sprinkled some more soil over the hole. My lights (I'm using T8s since I have the space)were about 6-8in above my plants and I'm doing a cycle of lights on for 18 hours and off for 6, but that's what I felt was best for the type of seeds I'm growing.
thanks man good info
I put my seeds in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil, and they seems to be going well. I poked a hole in the soil about 3/4-1in seep and planted the root facing down and sprinkled some more soil over the hole. My lights (I'm using T8s since I have the space)were about 6-8in above my plants and I'm doing a cycle of lights on for 18 hours and off for 6, but that's what I felt was best for the type of seeds I'm growing.
do i put light on the soil even though it has not sprouted?